商標登録insideNews: 大仁田厚が電流爆破戦乱発にクギ 商標登録出願 | 東スポ

電流爆破マッチ 商標申請


情報源: 大仁田厚が電流爆破戦乱発にクギ 商標登録出願

2017.7.16 電流爆破夏祭りin横浜〜邪道軍vs全日本プロレス〜 ダイジェスト、10:40

2017.7.16 電流爆破夏祭りin横浜〜邪道軍vs全日本プロレス〜 ダイジェスト

(2023.1.4 追記)
登録日:令和1(2019)年 12月 27日
出願日:平成31(2019)年 1月 8日
電流爆破マッチ 商標申請

商標登録insideNews: アントニオ猪木が「2千万円を返せ」と訴えられていた「元気ですか」などの商標権が差し押さえに | goo ニュース
Atsushi Onita revealed on the 11th that he had filed a trademark registration for an electric current explosion match with the Japan Patent Office on January 8th in Tokyo.


商標登録insideNews: Wait, what? Mercedes files to trademark ‘O-Class’ badge… – CAR magazine

Mercedes files for O-Class

A fresh report out says Mercedes-Benz has filed with the European Union Intellectual Property Office to trademark various versions of a new “O-Class” badge. According to AutoGuide.com, the Stuttgart-based firm filed the applications under the classification for “motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines” on 4 February.

情報源: Wait, what? Mercedes files to trademark ‘O-Class’ badge… – CAR magazine


Mercedes-Benz Future Bus, 2:50 Mercedes files for O-Class

Mercedes-Benz Future Bus

商標登録insideNews: Trademarks In Germany: Five Things You Need To Know – Germany | mondaq.com


商標登録insideNews: 富山「米騒動バーガー」名称変更 既に商標登録のため:朝日新聞デジタル

米騒動バーガー 名称変更


情報源: 富山)「米騒動バーガー」名称変更 既に商標登録のため:朝日新聞デジタル

第30類 食品香料(精油のものを除く。),菓子及びパン,みそ,ウースターソース,グレービーソース,ケチャップソース,しょうゆ,食酢,酢の素,そばつゆ,ドレッシング,ホワイトソース,マヨネーズソース,焼肉のたれ,穀物の加工品,ぎょうざ,サンドイッチ,しゅうまい,すし,たこ焼き,肉まんじゅう,ハンバーガー,ピザ,べんとう,ホットドッグ,ミートパイ,ラビオリ,おにぎり,雑炊,粥,即席菓子のもと

富山 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.16
The “Kome Sodo Burger,” which was developed by local chefs to spread the “food” of Uozu nationwide and has been on sale for a limited time since January, has been forced to change its name.

米騒動バーガー 名称変更


スウェーデン特許登録庁(PRV) vol.5 商標_動画(embedded)

スウェーデン特許登録庁 動画

Immaterialrättsskydd inom EU、Intellectual property protection within the EU スウェーデン特許登録庁 動画

スウェーデン特許登録庁スウェーデン特許登録庁 動画
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別
The Swedish Intellectual Property Office (Swedish: Patent- och registreringsverket, PRV) is a Swedish government agency based in Stockholm and Söderhamn in charge of patents, trademarks and industrial designs.


米国移民関税執行局(ICE) vol.3 商標_動画

ICE video

1.Superbowl LIII: Intellectual Property Rights Press Conference, 24:00 ICE video

Superbowl LIII: Intellectual Property Rights Press Conference

2. #HSIatSB53: Busting the Fakes, 1:12

HSI at Super Bowl LIII: Busting the Fakes
[コメント] 全米注目のスーパーボール53ですが、ゲームに先立って偽チケットを買わないように、偽ブランド品を買わないようにとのプレスコンファレンスです。ICE、CPB、HSI、FBIの各組織が一丸となって知的財産犯罪に当たっています。

ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
米国移民関税執行局(ICE) vol.5 商標_動画

HSI investigates the criminal enterprises that engage in a broad range of illicit activity including narcotics smuggling, human trafficking, gang violence, money laundering and other financial crimes, intellectual property theft, and customs fraud.


商標登録insideNews: 「磯ラーメン」大槌で困惑 東京の企業が商標出願 | 岩手日報 IWATE NIPPO

磯ラーメン 商標出願


情報源: 「磯ラーメン」大槌で困惑 東京の企業が商標出願 | 岩手日報 IWATE NIPPO磯ラーメン 商標出願

岩手 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.3
Ohtuchi Machi Officials are worried about the trademark filing by a third party of “Iso Ramen”, which is widely served at restaurants along the Pacific coast of the Iwate Prefecture.

【岩手県 山田町】磯ラーメン特集、7:39 

【岩手県 山田町】磯ラーメン特集



商標登録insideNews: Monaco joins TMview | EUIPO

Monaco joins TMviewAs of 28 January 2019 the Industrial Property Office of Monaco (MCIPO) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool. The integration of MCIPO is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by the EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners. With MCIPO on board, TMview now contains data from 69 participating offices.

情報源: Monaco joins TMview – news


オーストラリア知的財産庁(IP Australia) vol.16 商標_動画(embedded)

1.Transactional Digital Service program – with Sarah

2.Transactional Digital Services program – with Damian


商標登録insideNews: Brunei joins TMview and DesignView | EUIPO

As of 23 January 2019 the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) has made its trade mark and design data available to the TMview and DesignView search tools.

情報源: Brunei joins TMview and DesignView – news



商標登録insideNews: Warning about unauthorized practice of law | USPTO

Filing a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) starts a legal proceeding that is governed by U.S. law. While you may represent yourself in this legal proceeding, most applicants hire attorneys who specialize in trademark matters to represent them. Many continue to use attorneys after their trademarks are registered.

情報源: Warning about unauthorized practice of law | USPTO

Title: Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants Abstract:The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) proposes to amend its rules to require foreign trademark applicants and registrants to be represented by a U.S. licensed attorney, i.e. an attorney in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a State in the U.S. (including the District of Columbia and any Commonwealth or territory of the U.S.) to file trademark documents with the USPTO.  

情報源: View Rule

情報源: Federal Register :: Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants



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