商標登録insideNews: Thailand joins TMview | EUIPO

As of 27 September 2019, The Department of Intellectual Property under the of Ministry of Commerce in Thailand (DIP) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool.With DIP on board of TMview, the tool now contains data from 69 participating offices.With the addition of more than 960,000 trade marks from DIP, TMview provides information and access to more than 54.7 million trade marks in total.

情報源: Thailand joins TMview

商標登録insideNews: Under Armour trademark dispute hits family start-up company with Boise ties | ktvb.com

Under Armour trademark dispute

Under Armour trademark dispute

“I understand they have to be aggressive about their brand, but this is overreach,” Leigh Gill, the Shorts’ lawyer, added. “No one is going to be confused.”

情報源: Under Armour trademark dispute hits family start-up company with Boise ties | ktvb.com

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Under Armour trademark dispute hits family start-up company with Boise ties | ktvb.com”

商標登録insideNews: アップル、「Memoji」の商標登録侵害として訴えられる。係争中にもかかわらず商標リストに掲載 | Engadget 日本版

Social Tech sued Apple over Memoji dispute

Social Tech sued Apple over Memoji dispute


情報源: アップル、「Memoji」の商標登録侵害として訴えられる。係争中にもかかわらず商標リストに掲載 – Engadget 日本版

Atlanta-based company Social Technologies LLC today filed a lawsuit against Apple that accuses the iPhone maker of falsely indicating that it holds the federal registration for the trademark Memoji in the United States.

情報源: Apple Sued Over Listing Memoji as One of Its Registered Trademarks Despite Ongoing Legal Battle [Updated] – MacRumors

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: アップル、「Memoji」の商標登録侵害として訴えられる。係争中にもかかわらず商標リストに掲載 | Engadget 日本版”

商標登録insideNews: Improved TMview version launched in beta | EUIPO

An improved beta version of TMview (https://www.euipn.org/tmview/beta/) is now available alongside the original interface, as part of a planned improvement to the world’s biggest free trade mark search engine.The improvements are a core part of EUIPO’s European Cooperation activity in the framework of its Strategic Plan 2020, and have been developed in collaboration with the national and regional intellectual property offices of the EU.The interface has been completely redesigned after extensive user testing, allowing for a greatly enhanced navigation and search experience. In addition, the tool has a significantly improved search results display and categorisation system which allows results to be shown in order of relevance to the search terms.

情報源: Improved TMview version launched in beta

Screenshot of New TMview beta

商標登録insideNews: OAPI joins TMview | EUIPO

As of 1 October 2019, the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool.With OAPI on board of TMview, the tool now contains data from 70 participating offices.With the addition of more than 26,000 trade marks from OAPI, TMview provides information and access to more than 54.8 million trade marks in total.

情報源: OAPI joins TMview

欧州植物品種庁(CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office) 商標_動画(embedded)vol.3

1.Legal proceedings at the CPVO – Anne Gardener, Board of Appeal Registrar, 37:57

Legal proceedings at the CPVO - Anne Gardener, Board of Appeal Registrar

2.Webinar: the name of a plant variety in the Community Plant Variety Right system (CPVR), 35:55

Webinar: the name of a plant variety in the Community Plant Variety Right system (CPVR)

商標登録insideNews: Malaysia Joins the Madrid System | wipo



WIPO’s international trademark system now covers 122 countries.

情報源: Malaysia Joins the Madrid System

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Malaysia Joins the Madrid System | wipo”

商標登録insideNews: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO

米国特許商標庁(uspto)で米国商標登録の出願料や維持費用についての値上げが検討されています。現段階は未だ意見募集の段階ですが、来年(2020)の3月にFederal Registerでの改定案が出され、7月に Federal Registerに最終案が発表され、来年(2020)の8月には実施予定となっています。現行の電子出願TEAS RFの275USDが350USDに、TEASPlusが225USDが250USDになる予定です。petitionの申請は100USDから250USD、Request for Reconsideration $400(new), Section 8 225USd, Section 15 225USD, Section 71 225USDが予定されています。また、新規な料金として、Audit(TTAB’s pleading)の後に商品や役務を削除する場合には、1つの商品、役務あたり100USDの費用を要することが予定されています。TTABは1区分辺り200USDの値上げを検討しています。

As part of the USPTO’s continued commitment to f

情報源: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO

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