世界知的所有権機関 動画
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香港(CNN Business) 中国・大連が観光促進を目的に、市の新しいロゴを選ぶデザインコンペを実施した。ところが優勝した作品がディズニーのロゴにそっくりだったことから、ネットで批判の的になっている。
情報源: : コンペで優勝した大連市のロゴ、ディズニーにそっくり? 中国
Dalian city logo accused of plagiarizing Disney and others, now under investigation, 0:51
商標登録insideNews: ティラミスヒーローの商標トラブルで新展開。 株式会社HERO’S「ロゴの使用権をお渡しする」 | ハフポスト
ASAHIロゴマーク事件(平成6年(ネ)1470号事件) 商標登録&紛争
Dalian, China held a design competition to select a new city logo to promote tourism. But the winning design looked just like the Disney logo.
【JETRO】模倣品流通を阻止せよ! ‐インドネシア ネット上の攻防‐, 11:06
商標登録insideNews: パッケージもそっくり…宇治抹茶の中国産模倣品が海外にも 世界的な抹茶ブームで | 日本食糧新聞電子版
Counterfeit products are appearing on overseas EC sites. Japanese brands have long been plagued by such counterfeits, but with the spread of e-commerce, the methods used have become more sophisticated, and this has had a serious impact on companies’ overseas activities.
情報源: 日本女子プロゴルフ協会、来季から商標変更「JLPGA」 – ゴルフ – SANSPO.COM(サンスポ)
Kia has filed paperwork for a new logo in South Korea, which could replace the current design which debuted back in the mid-1990s.
情報源: Kia: New logo discovered in trademark filing | CarAdvice
Application No. : 4020190182829 to 4020190182869
Application Date : 2019.11.26
情報源: パッケージもそっくり…宇治抹茶の中国産模倣品が海外にも 世界的な抹茶ブームで – 日本食糧新聞電子版
情報源: 中国で「宇治」商標登録横行 「茶ブランド保護を」京都の訪中団が要請 | 京都新聞
京都 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.26-1
Many counterfeit products of Uji matcha have begun to appear in China, and they are now being sold overseas, including in Southeast Asia, where Japan had traditionally sold them, and are starting to cause serious damage.
TMview’s visual search facility, which allows users to search for trade mark images in the world’s largest online trade mark database, has been extended to cover six more intellectual property offices within the EU.Trade marks registered at the national intellectual property offices of Cyprus (DRCOR), Portugal (INPI), Slovenia (SIPO) and Finland (PRH) are fully searchable using images since 30 November, as well as Hungary (HIPO) and Austria (OPA) which enabled this functionality on 14 December.
情報源: Visual search in TMview extended to six IP offices
商標登録insideNews: EUIPO in-house image search added to TMview | EUIPO
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