商標登録insideNews: Jimmy Garoppolo’s agent files trademark for ‘It feels great baby’ | NBCS Bay Area

Garoppolo has led the Niners to a 13-3 record and No. 1 seed in the NFC. If Garoppolo learned one thing from former mentor Tom Brady, it’s that you have to cash in on your fame. That’s exactly the 49ers star signal-caller and his agent are trying to do, as Yee & Dubin Sports, who represent Garoppolo, filed for six trademarks for, “It feels great, baby” on Dec. 30, per Josh Gerben.

情報源: Jimmy Garoppolo’s agent files trademark for ‘It feels great baby’ | NBCS Bay Area

49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo’s exclusive interview with Steve Young | SportsCenter,

商標登録insideNews: A Chinese property tycoon fights an unusual trademark battle | ejinsight.com

Trademark battle over Xu Jiayin

Mainland property tycoon Xu Jiayin, founder of China Evergrande Group (03333.HK), surprisingly lost in a lawsuit against a company that uses the billionaire’s name as a trademark. In 2013, a Chinese businessman named Chen Huanran registered “Xu Jiayin” (Chinese: 许家印) as a trademark to sell textile products of his firm. Xu was not aware of that until…

情報源: A Chinese property tycoon fights an unusual trademark battle

China’s private sector plays an important role in improving people’s livelihood、2:12 Trademark battle over Xu Jiayin

China's private sector plays an important role in improving people’s livelihood

商標登録insideNews: Disputes over geographical indications of wine trademarks | China Business Law Journal

商標登録insideNews: Datsun Files Trademark For Magnite. New Name Could Be Used For Upcoming Sub-4m SUV – ZigWheels

Datsun has filed a trademark for the name Magnite The upcoming sub-4m SUV will be based on Renault’s HBC.Under the hood will most likely be a 1.0-litre petrol engine.It’s likely to be priced between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 8 lakh. It is expected to debut by the end of 2020.The last time Datsun was in the limelight was a couple of weeks ago when the brand announced its decision to pull out of some countries.

情報源: Datsun Files Trademark For Magnite. New Name Could Be Used For Upcoming Sub-4m SUV – ZigWheels

Datsun Magnite Sub-4 Metre SUV Launch Soon In India | Features & Spec Leaked | Engine, 1:20

商標登録insideNews: Toyota Trademarks 4Active, Could Signal New Crossover | motor1.com

4Active TM filed

In early December, Toyota applied for the trademark 4Active with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Now we’re left scratching our heads at what vehicle the Japanese brand will apply the name to. Is the 4Active a concept or production-bound vehicle? Or is it neither, and Toyota simply applied for the trademark to cover its own behind and get a hold on a name that it may want to use at some point in the future.

情報源: Toyota Trademarks 4Active, Could Signal New Crossover (4Active TM file)

4Active TM file
U.S. Serial 88720209
Application Filing Date: Dec. 09, 2019
Owner Name: Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
For: Automobiles and structural parts thereof

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Toyota Trademarks 4Active, Could Signal New Crossover | motor1.com”

商標登録insideNews: 英・ヘンリー王子夫妻が商標登録|日テレNEWS24

イギリス王室のヘンリー王子夫妻が独自のブランド設立のため、自らの爵位、サセックス公爵にちなんだ「サセックス ロイヤル」を商標登録した。

情報源: 英・ヘンリー王子夫妻が商標登録|日テレNEWS24

Prince Harry And Meghan Markle File To Trademark Sussex Royal Charity, 2:17

The Sussex Royal name could become its own trademark, covering the couple’s charitable foundation and other products, like clothing and publications.

情報源: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry applied to trademark ‘Sussex Royal’ – Insider

商標登録insideNews: Malaysia Joins the Madrid System | WIPO




Malaysia Joins the Madrid System September 27, 2019On September 27, 2019, the Government of Malaysia deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO’s Director General, making Malaysia the 106th member of the Madrid System, which now covers 122 countries. The Protocol will enter into force for Malaysia on December 27th, 2019.

情報源: Malaysia Joins the Madrid System

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Malaysia Joins the Madrid System | WIPO”

商標登録insideNews: 中国で「今治」商標登録認めず タオル巡り異議申し立て|佐賀新聞LiVE

今治 中国で異議申立


情報源: 中国で「今治」商標登録認めず タオル巡り異議申し立て|全国のニュース|佐賀新聞LiVE

中国の企業による「今治」の商標の登録を再び阻止です。今治タオルの普及に取り組む今治市とタオル工業組合が中国の担当部局に申し立てていた異議が、24日までに認められました。  この「今治」の商標は、上海に

情報源: 「今治」商標…中国での登録を再び阻止 中国部局「出所を誤認させる」【愛媛】 – FNN.jpプライムオンライン

【ニュースの深層】今治タオルはコロナ危機をどう乗り切るか, 10:07


今治 中国

商標登録insideNews: 中国における日本の地名等に関する商標登録出願調査の結果| 特許庁
中国商標制度 vol.1
中国商標制度 vol.2

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