日本弁理士会 ミュージックビデオを公開
情報源: 大原優乃:古坂大魔王と“弁理士ユニット” ラテン系の曲に乗せラップを披露 – MANTANWEB(まんたんウェブ)
古坂大魔王と大原優乃出演のMVが公開!日本弁理士会, 6:48
日本弁理士会のオリジナルアニメ『発明王 ニバン・センジ』 動画
The Japan Patent Attorneys Association’s music video (MV) starring talent Yuno Ohara and comedian and music producer Daimaou Furusaka was released on September 26th. The two formed a patent attorney unit and rapped to a Latin song, saying, “Ben bere ben ben ben… ben… attorney!” The song was written and composed by Mr. Furusaka.