ポルトガル国立産業財産機関 動画
1.Proteja bem a sua propriedade intelectual e poderá partilhá la com o mundo!, 1:55
1.Proteja bem a sua propriedade intelectual e poderá partilhá la com o mundo!, 1:55
情報源: 菅氏、日本酒には「大変可能性がある」…輸出拡大支援へ具体策 : 経済 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン
菅長官が酒蔵視察 日本酒の輸出拡大へ支援策検討(19/11/04), 0:55
情報源: 「MONO」模倣しONO消しゴム 無許可判明し配布中止 :日本経済新聞
(2022.10.5 追記)
情報源: 神戸新聞NEXT|総合|OnoとMONO、表と裏で仲良く パロディー消しゴムのデザイン決着
The Ono City Tourism Association in Hyogo Prefecture was found as making 1,000 copies of a product named “ONO Eraser” that imitated “MONO Eraser” made by Tombow Pencil (Tokyo) for distribution at events and festivals without permission from the company. Now reaching an agreement.
As of 04 November 2019, the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) joined TMclass, and will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database (HDB) within the tool.In addition, the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI) has joined DesignClass and will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI).
The Global Brand Database now includes the collection of Madagascar with over 20,000 records.This brings to 57 the number of national/regional collections available in the Global Brand Database.
情報源: Madagascan Trademarks Added to the Global Brand Database
【11月2日 AFP】中国の投資会社、復星集団(Fosun Group)は1日、今年9月に経営破綻した英旅行代理店トーマス・クック・グループ(Thomas Cook Group)のブランドを1100万ポンド(約15億円)で取得すると発表した。
情報源: 中国の復星集団、破綻した英トーマス・クックのブランドを15億円で取得 写真2枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News
Thomas Cook collapses, stranding 600,000 holidaymakers around the globe, 4:36
Bentley Motors has lost a long-running high court trademark battle with a small, family-owned business, which could mean the luxury carmaker has to destroy all of its branded clothing.
情報源: Bentley Motors loses trademark battle over branded clothing | Business | The Guardian