続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 商標審査基準〔改訂第15版〕について | 経済産業省 特許庁”
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 商標審査基準〔改訂第15版〕について | 経済産業省 特許庁”
続きを読む“アフリカ広域知的財産機関(ARIPO) vol.6 商標_動画(embedded)”
情報源: 兵庫「はりま」ブランド 日本酒の地理的表示に :日本経済新聞
地理的表示(GI)保護制度 vol.2 酒類(しゅるい)の地理的表示
On the 16th, the sake brewery Harima, which straddles the Harima district in the midwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture, including Himeji City and Akashi City, received Geographical Indication (GI) designation, which protects the region as a regional brand.
情報源: 国税庁が「日本産酒類のブランド化推進事業」公募開始、4月3日まで|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 国税庁が「日本産酒類のブランド化推進事業」公募開始、4月3日まで|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB”
The content below represents all the public messaging the USPTO has released related to coronavirus (COVID-19).Relief for USPTO customers affected by COVID-19The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) considers the effects of coronavirus to be an “extraordinary situation” within the meaning of 37 CFR 1.183 and 37 CFR 2.146 for affected patent and trademark applicants, patentees, reexamination parties, and trademark owners. Therefore, the USPTO is waiving petition fees in certain situations for customers impacted by the coronavirus.
情報源: USPTO notices regarding COVID-19 | USPTO
米国特許商標庁は、コロナウイルスの影響で遅延することとなった手続の延長を認めるものではないが、そのための回復請求(petition)については無料とする決定をしています。また、来週26日からは庁内で一般公衆に公開しているエリアを期限的に閉鎖するものとしています。㋂13日以降の審査官、審判官との面談等はビデオ又は電話会議になるとのことです。(USPTO changes rules due to COVID-19)
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別
A bipartisan, bicameral legislation that modernises the US trademark system has been introduced in the House of Representatives. Examining the act, one legal expert has warned that it has the potential to cost brand owners significant time and money.
establish expungement and ex parte proceedings relating to the validity of marks
When picking a name for their Asian-Mexican fusion restaurant in suburban Phoenix, Paul and Nicole Fan settled on “Panda Libre,” hoping the mix of China’s iconic bear and the Spanish word for “free” would signal to customers the type of cuisine it offered.That decision could cost them dearly. Chinese takeout chain Panda Express sued them in federal court last month alleging trademark infringement.
情報源: Trademark infringement suit claims panda confusion | Fortune
Panda Express wants Gilbert-based Panda Libre to change name, 1:22
The draft Common Practice documents of the work-streams 1 and 2 of the project CP11 ‘New Types of Trade Mark – Examination of formal requirements and grounds for refusal and invalidity’ have been made available in English for comments.
情報源: 「血の池地獄カレーは商標権侵害」北海道の会社が提訴、大分市の会社困惑 – 大分のニュースなら 大分合同新聞プレミアムオンライン Gate
登録日:平成22(2010)年 12月 17日
出願日:平成22(2010)年 5月 26日
商標登録insideNews: 豊橋カレーうどん地域団体商標登録 | 東日新聞
A company that manufactures “Hell Curry” in Hokkaido has stopped selling the retort product “Blood Pond Jigoku Curry” sold by a food company in Oita City, accusing it of infringing the trademark right. filed a lawsuit in the Sapporo District Court seeking compensation.
Nauru has joined the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization as WIPO’s 193rd member state. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry received Nauru’s instrument of accession to the WIPO Convention on February 11, 2020.