3M is accusing a New Jersey company of violating federal trademark law by reselling the company’s N95 masks at drastically increased prices, one of the first major trademark lawsuits stemming directly from the COVID-19 pandemic. In a complaint filed Friday in Manhattan federal court, 3M claims Performance Supply LLC offered to sell millions of the masks to New York City at a “grossly inflated” cost of more than 500% the actual price.
Price gouging: 便乗値上げ
Causes of Action(訴因): Federal trademark infringement, trademark dilution, unfair competition, false endorsement, false association, false designation of origin, and false advertising; New York deceptive acts and practices, false advertising, dilution and injury to business reputation, trademark infringement, and unfair competition.
タンパベイ・バッカニアーズ入りが現実のものとなった時、トム・ブレイディの代理人は少なくとも1つの商標権を確保しようとすぐに動いた。彼のグループは他にもいくつかの商標をブランドに追加しようとしている。商標代理人のジョシュ・ガーベンによると、ブレイディの会社である『TEB Capital Management(TEBキャピタル・マネジメント)』が2つの商標――“Tompa Bay(トンパ・ベイ)”と“Tampa Brady(タンパ・ブレイディ)”の登録を出願したということだ。
Свои инновации патентуют не только компании, напрямую связанные с технологиями, как, например, часовые или автомобильные, но и модные бренды. Так, среди патентов, имеющихся у производителя обуви Geox (а их у бренда уже 35), подошва Amphibiox с водо- и воздухонепроницаемой мембраной. Патентом защищены материалы Loro Piana, в частности Lotus Flower, который делают из лотоса.
Application filed in US ranges from awards to clothing to a health website. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex appear to be planning a wide-ranging non-profit empire, including websites, films and their own awards, according to trademark applications lodged in the US under the name of Archewell.
IP Australia continues to support the global IP community by joining TMView, an initiative of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). TMView is an online tool which allows users to perform word and image searches for trade marks from 74 participating IP offices around the world.