商標登録insideNews: Japan company sues two cosmetic stores on Saipan for trademark infringement | Marianas Variety

Japan company sues two cosmetic stores on Saipan for trademark infringement 14 Nov 2019, YOSHITSU Co. Ltd. or YST has sued American Beauty Corp., American Dong Sheng Corp., their owner Weidong Guo, and 10 “Does” for trademark infringement. A Japan-based company, YST is the sole owner of a design trademark that reads, “Tokyo Seikatsukan,” which translates to “Tokyo Lifestyle Store” in English, according to the lawsuit filed in federal court.

情報源: Marianas Variety – Japan company sues two cosmetic stores on Saipan for trademark infringement

【Cosmo帶路】日本藥妝店Tokyo Lifestyle登陸香港!率先睇10款必買日本藥妝, 1:42


商標登録insideNews: 道産ブランドイモをポテチに 湖池屋、3種を全国発売 | 北海道新聞 電子版



情報源: 道産ブランドイモ ポテチに 湖池屋、3種を全国発売:北海道新聞 どうしん電子版

どれを選ぶ? ”数量限定”新ポテトチップス 北海道産”ブランドいも”の味・食感の違いを味わえる! (19/11/11 19:12), 1:09 道産ブランドイモをポテチに

北海道 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.1

Snack maker Koikeya (Tokyo) announced on the 11th three new potato chip products using Hokkaido brand potatoes. The aim is to put the name of the potato variety on the front so that customers can enjoy the difference in taste.


ウクライナ特許庁(UKRPATENT) 商標_動画(embedded/channel)

ウクライナ特許庁(UKRPATENT) 動画

ウクライナ特許庁ウクライナ特許庁(UKRPATENT) 動画

ウクライナ特許庁(UKRPATENT) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.2


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.47 商標_動画(embedded)


1. WIPO Director General Launches World Intellectual Property Report 2019, 58:37 WIPO 動画

WIPO Director General Launches World Intellectual Property Report 2019

2. Key Take-Aways from the 2019 edition of World Intellectual Property Report 2019, 1:36

Key Take-Aways from the 2019 edition of World Intellectual Property Report 2019
3. WIPO Director General on Mentoring Program for Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs, 2:04
WIPO Director General on Mentoring Program for Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs



商標登録insideNews: Booking.com Case Gets Supreme Court Review in Trademark Test – Bloomberg

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to use a case involving Booking.com to consider whether businesses can get federal trademark protection for website names that center on a commonly used word.

情報源: Booking.com Case Gets Supreme Court Review in Trademark Test – Bloomberg

Booking.com – Be a Booker, 0:16


ブラジル国立工業所有権機関(INPI Brasil)vol.8 商標_動画(embedded)

ブラジル国立工業所有権機関 動画

1.Projeto de Combate ao Backlog de Patentes, 2:20 ブラジル国立工業所有権機関 動画

Projeto de Combate ao Backlog de Patentes

ブラジル国立工業所有権機関(INPI:Instituto nacional da propriedade industrial)のwebsite
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連130機関) 地域ブロック別
O INPI é responsável pelo registro e concessão de marcas, patentes, desenho industrial, transferência de tecnologia, indicação geográfica, programa de computador e topografia de circuitos integrados.


商標登録insideNews: EU-China landmark Geographical Indications agreement | European Commission

Landmark agreement will protect 100 European Geographical Indications in China

情報源: EU-China landmark Geographical Indications agreement

Today the EU 🇪🇺 and China 🇨🇳 concluded the negotiations on a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European Geographical indications (GIs) in China & 100 Chinese GIs in the EU against imitations & usurpation.

Factsheet on the agreement

From “Factsheet on the agreement”

ポルトガル国立産業財産機関 (INPI PT) vol.2 商標_動画(embedded)

ポルトガル国立産業財産機関 動画

1.Proteja bem a sua propriedade intelectual e poderá partilhá la com o mundo!, 1:55 ポルトガル国立産業財産機関 動画

Proteja bem a sua propriedade intelectual e poderá partilhá la com o mundo!

続きを読む“ポルトガル国立産業財産機関 (INPI PT) vol.2 商標_動画(embedded)”


商標登録insideNews: (真相深層)欧州、知財統一もご破算? 英離脱後、商標・意匠出願に分断の恐れ | 日本経済新聞


情報源: (真相深層)欧州、知財統一もご破算? 英離脱後、商標・意匠出願に分断の恐れ(写真=AP) :日本経済新聞


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