The draft Common Practice documents of the work-streams 1 and 2 of the project CP11 ‘New Types of Trade Mark – Examination of formal requirements and grounds for refusal and invalidity’ have been made available in English for comments.
商標登録insideNews: 「血の池地獄カレーは商標権侵害」北海道の会社が提訴、大分市の会社困惑 | 大分合同新聞プレミアムオンライン Gate
地獄カレー 商標権紛争
情報源: 「血の池地獄カレーは商標権侵害」北海道の会社が提訴、大分市の会社困惑 – 大分のニュースなら 大分合同新聞プレミアムオンライン Gate
登録日:平成22(2010)年 12月 17日
出願日:平成22(2010)年 5月 26日
商標登録insideNews: 豊橋カレーうどん地域団体商標登録 | 東日新聞
A company that manufactures “Hell Curry” in Hokkaido has stopped selling the retort product “Blood Pond Jigoku Curry” sold by a food company in Oita City, accusing it of infringing the trademark right. filed a lawsuit in the Sapporo District Court seeking compensation.
商標登録insideNews: WIPO Welcomes Nauru as 193rd Member State | WIPO
Nauru has joined the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization as WIPO’s 193rd member state. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry received Nauru’s instrument of accession to the WIPO Convention on February 11, 2020.
商標登録insideNews: Harley-Davidson Registers New Electrified Trademark In Europe |
Harley-Davidson Registers New Euro TM for e-lineup
In a EUIPO trademark filing dated March 3, 2020, the Motor Company took a steel washer and a lightning bolt and added what looks like a newly electrified Harley-Davidson logo to its label making arsenal. With just this filing and no accompanying context, it’s unclear what Harley’s plans are for where it wants to use this logo going forward. noted another potential electric logo filing at the same time, which we so far haven’t been able to locate.
情報源: Harley-Davidson Registers New Electrified Trademark In Europe
Trade mark number:018204830
Filing date:03/03/2020
Nice Classification:12
Trade mark status:Application filed
(Harley-Davidson Registers New Euro TM for e-lineup)
商標登録insideNews: Harley-Davidson Bronx Trademark Application Filed –
商標登録insideNews: 中国「新型肺炎」便乗の商標出願1千件に 病院名「火神山」や警告の医師「李文亮」、「新冠」も – 産経ニュース
コロンビア商工業監督庁 (SIC) vol.21 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)
コロンビア商工業監督庁 動画
SICTeVe 2020
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