商標登録insideNews: PS5 e DualSense, Sony deposita nuovo trademark: è lo slogan del controller? | www.everyeye.it
Il reveal del design e degli accessori ufficiali di PS5 ha messo a tacere un ampio numero di indiscrezioni, ma non cessa la caccia della community ai brevetti depositati da Sony Interactive Entertainment.
情報源: PS5 e DualSense, Sony deposita nuovo trademark: è lo slogan del controller?

Goods and Services IC 028. US 022 023 038 050. G & S: Controllers for game consoles; game controllers for computer games
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 88961806
Filing Date June 12, 2020
Owner (APPLICANT) Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, CALIFORNIA 2207 Bridgepointe Parkway San Mateo CALIFORNIA 94404
Priority Date May 22, 2020
商標登録insideNews: IP Facts and Figures | WIPO
Facts and Figures Explore WIPO’s latest complete data on intellectual property activity around the world. For the full datasets behind these interactive charts, visit the IP Statistics Data Center.
情報源: IP Facts and Figures
WIPOの2017-2018の統計データを国別や企業別で、特許・実用新案、商標、意匠のそれぞれでグラフで示しています。マドリッド制度の出願数では、l’Oréal が首位、2位が Novartis AG 3位がHuawei Technologies、4位が Nirsan Connect Private Limited、5位がRIGO TRADING S.A. SOCIETE ANONYME、6位がAPPLE INC、7位が資生堂、8位がBMW、9位がHENKEL AG & CO KGAA、10位がRICHTER GEDEON NYRTとなります。

バングラデシュ産業省特許意匠商標局(DPDT) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)
バングラデシュ産業省特許意匠商標局 動画
Trademark Application Filing Procedure- Bangladesh
続きを読む“バングラデシュ産業省特許意匠商標局(DPDT) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded)”
商標登録insideNews: Phil Mickelson’s company applies for coffee trademark | espn.com
Phil Mickelson company applies for coffee tm
Mickelson Inc., a company owned by Phil Mickelson, has applied for a trademark for the use of “Coffee For Wellness.”
情報源: Phil Mickelson’s company applies for coffee trademark
Goods and Services IC 030. US 046. G & S: Coffee; coffee beans; roasted coffee beans; ground coffee beans; prepared coffee beverages; coffee drinks; coffee pods; coffee capsules, filled; coffee capsules containing coffee for brewing
Serial Number 88955602
Filing Date June 9, 2020
Current Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Mickelson, Inc. CORPORATION NEVADA 375 N. Stephanie Street, Suite 1411 Henderson NEVADA 89014
Prior Registrations 5385836;5385840
Description of Mark The mark consists of a silhouette of a man facing forward with his arms stretched above his head and holding a golf club in his right hand. Centered underneath the image is the word “COFFEE” and centered beneath the word “COFFEE” is the phrase “FOR WELLNESS”.
なんと6日間の“断食”ダイエットを敢行し、ミケルソンが全英でスッキリしたお腹を披露。スペシャルに関する最新情報はパーゴルフの新メディア〜PAR GOLF PLUS(パーゴルフ プラス)!P1
情報源: なんと6日間の“断食”ダイエットを敢行し、ミケルソンが全英でスッキリしたお腹を披露 【パーゴルフ プラス|PAR GOLF PLUS 】
Phil Mickelson says drinking lots of coffee has been the key to his success, 1:23
商標登録insideNews: Mickelson files trademark for ‘Hit Bombs’ | theScore.com
商標登録insideNews: USPTO announces COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Program for certain trademark and service mark applications | USPTO
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced a new COVID-19 prioritized examination program for certain trademark and service mark applications.Under this new program, the USPTO will accept petitions to advance the initial examination of applications for marks used to identify qualifying COVID-19 medical products and services. Additionally, the USPTO will waive the fee for such petitions.
商標登録insideNews: Cadillac Perfume And Cologne Hinted By New Trademark Filing | GM Authority
A new trademark filing suggests that a Cadillac perfume and cologne line might be on the horizon.General Motors has filed to trademark “Cadillac” in association with two goods and services categories:Room fragrances; perfumes and colognes; non-medicated soaps for personal useCandles
情報源: Cadillac Perfume And Cologne Hinted By New Trademark Filing | GM Authority
Cadillac | Finish Line | Make Your Way、0:30
商標登録insideNews: BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE trademarks filed: Manchester businessman plans charitable foundation | World Trademark Review
Entrepreneur tells WTR of plan to launch non-profit to help disadvantaged children – and, if the BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE marks are granted, will seek a royalty fee from other entities that use the terms in the United Kingdom.