Trademark fluidity – not only humans are social distancing – International Law Office

Only a few weeks ago, the phrase ‘social distancing’ was not part of daily conversations. However, in the context of the current COVID-19 crisis, it is on everyone’s lips and is now one of the most well-known measures introduced to limit the spread of COVID-19. In order to stay relevant in these strange times, a number of brands have temporarily adapted or modified their trademarks and logos to reinforce the importance of complying with the health guidelines.

情報源: Trademark fluidity – not only humans are social distancing – Newsletters – International Law Office

Why changing a logo to promote social distancing isn’t always a good move | Marketing Media Money, 3:45

商標登録insideNews: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 | 日本経済新聞

愛知 新ブランド米

愛知 新ブランド米


情報源: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 :日本経済新聞

愛知県産 新ブランド米「愛ひとつぶ」のブランドマークを商標出願しました

情報源: 【知事会見】愛知県産 新ブランド米「愛ひとつぶ」のブランドマークを商標出願しました – 愛知県

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 | 日本経済新聞”

商標登録insideNew: New initiative – Trademark amendments without an examiner’s report | Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Effective on May 20, 2020, we are starting a new initiative. You or your appointed agent might get a call from a trademark examiner asking for:Verbal permission to amend your application. A trademark examiner might call to ask for verbal permission to:add missing disclaimers related to the use of a trademarked colour system or the 11-point maple leaf. An electronic revised trademark application. A trademark examiner might call to ask you to send an amended trademark application, if:a registration symbol (example: “TM” or “MC”) needs to be removedtypographical errors need to be correctedthe entire mark is disclaimedpriority claims are not properly linked to an amended statement of goods and servicesthe statement of goods and services is improperly separated by punctuation (example: a displaced semicolon)the Nice Classification is incorrecta colour claim is incomplete

情報源: File a new or amended trademark or certification mark application – Canadian Intellectual Property Office

商標登録insideNews: Trademarks from Serbia and Ukraine Added to the Global Brand Database | WIPO

The Global Brand Database now includes the collections of Serbia with over 56,250 records and of Ukraine with 269,550 records.This brings to 61 the number of national/regional collections available in the Global Brand Database.

情報源: Trademarks from Serbia and Ukraine Added to the Global Brand Database


米国連邦商標法における団体商標と証明標章 米国連邦商標法では、通常の商標の他に、団体商標(Collective Trademark)と証明標章(Certification mark)があります。日本の商標制度にも団体商標 …

商標登録insideNews: USPTO grants further relief for certain trademark-related fees and deadlines | USPTO


Under the CARES Act authority and its existing authority in Trademark and TTAB matters, the USPTO will direct relief to those who need it on a case-by-case basis, as described in the official notice.

情報源: USPTO grants further relief for certain trademark-related fees and deadlines | USPTO


As stakeholders continue to navigate the effects of the pandemic in various ways, and as more and more of them are resuming operations, the USPTO will again extend certain deadlines.

情報源: USPTO grants further relief for certain patent-related fees and deadlines | USPTO

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