商標登録insideNews: Be prepared: Fees for some of our services will increase on January 1, 2021 | Canadian Intellectual Property Office

CIPO Fees Increase

January 1, 2021 fee adjustment: On January 1, 2021, the fees for the services outlined below will increase by 2%, in accordance with the Service Fees Act. Note that not all fees are subject to the annual adjustment.

情報源: Fees for trademarks – Canadian Intellectual Property OfficeCIPO Fees Increase

CIPO fees increase as follows:
Application for the registration of a trademark;
Statement of opposition;
Application to extend the statement of goods or services;
Request for the giving of one or more notices under subsections 44(1) or 45(1) of the Trademarks Act;
Renewal of a registered trademark;
Issuance of a certificate of registration under item 15 of the Tariff of Fees of the former Trade‑marks Regulations;
Trademark agent qualifying examination;
Request for a name to be entered, maintained or reinstated on the list of trademark agents.

CIPO (Canadian Intellectual Property Office) カナダ知的財産庁 商標関連料金表 2019.6

商標登録insideNews: Lexus Files ‘IS500’ Trademark for Potential V8 Sport Sedan | The Drive

After hearing rumors that Lexus would bring a 5.0-liter V8 back to its compact sports sedan, we were pretty disappointed when the heavily-refreshed (but not all-new) 2021 IS debuted with zero new powertrain additions or changes. If a new trademark filing holds any water, however, our dreams for a spiritual successor to the IS F may not be dead just yet.

情報源: Lexus Files ‘IS500’ Trademark for Potential V8 Sport Sedan – The Drive

2021 Lexus IS World Premiere Video, 28:44

Word Mark IS500
Goods and Services IC 012.G & S: automobiles and structural parts thereof
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 90020079
Filing Date June 25, 2020
Current Basis 1B

商標登録insideNews: Booking.com wins key trademark case at the Supreme Court – CNNPolitics

The Supreme Court sided with Booking.com on Tuesday, green-lighting the booking accommodations website to trademark the generic term associated with their domain name.

情報源: Booking.com wins key trademark case at the Supreme Court – CNNPolitics

On 30th June 2020 Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in United StatesPpatent and Trademark Office et al. v. Booking.comdealt with the issue of whether the combination of generic terms is also generic for the purpose of trademark registration. SCOTUS by an overwhelming majority (8 judges) held otherwise i.e. such combination is not generic in nature. The sole dissenting opinion was written by J Breyer who held respondent’s Trademark as generic in nature.

情報源: US Supreme Court On ‘generic.com’ Trademark: A Tale Of Missed Opportunities

商標登録inisideNews: 買わない! 売らない! 買わせない!|コピー商品撲滅キャンペーン|経済産業省 特許庁

コピー商品撲滅 特許庁

コピー商品撲滅 特許庁
続きを読む“商標登録inisideNews: 買わない! 売らない! 買わせない!|コピー商品撲滅キャンペーン|経済産業省 特許庁”

商標登録insideNews: ブリヂストン、ブラジルで商標権侵害訴訟およびトレードドレス侵害訴訟に勝訴 | レスポンス(Response.jp)

ブリヂストン ブラジルで勝訴

ブリヂストンは6月29日、ブラジルのタイヤリトレッド会社であるNew Tyre社を相手に提起していた商標権侵害訴訟およびトレードドレス侵害訴訟で勝訴したと発表した。

情報源: ブリヂストン、ブラジルで商標権侵害訴訟およびトレードドレス侵害訴訟に勝訴 | レスポンス(Response.jp)ブリヂストン ブラジルで勝訴

TOKYO (June 29, 2020) – Bridgestone Corporation (Bridgestone) today announced that it secured a victory in its trademark and trade dress infringement*1 lawsuit

情報源: Bridgestone Wins Trademark and Trade Dress Infringement Lawsuit in Brazil – EIN News

Turanza ER 300, 0:57 


商標登録insideNews: 「暗号資産」「仮想通貨」に関連する役務を指定する商標登録出願の取扱いについて | 経済産業省 特許庁



続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 「暗号資産」「仮想通貨」に関連する役務を指定する商標登録出願の取扱いについて | 経済産業省 特許庁”

商標登録insideNews: Another Step Towards Creating A Regional Trademark Protection System Across Eurasia – Intellectual Property – Russian Federation | mondaq.com

The Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods of the Eurasian Economic Union was signed in Moscow on 3 February 2020.

情報源: Another Step Towards Creating A Regional Trademark Protection System Across Eurasia – Intellectual Property – Russian Federation

情報源: Protection of Patents and Trademarks In the Eurasian Economic Union | AIPLA

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