商標登録insideNews: Is Willful Infringement Required For Award of Trademark Infringer’s Profits? – Intellectual Property – United States | mondaq.com

The Supreme Court may soon resolve a circuit split regarding the availability of a trademark infringer’s profits in the absence of willful infringement. United States Intellectual Property Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP 9 Jan 2020

情報源: Is Willful Infringement Required For Award Of A Trademark Infringer’s Profits? – Intellectual Property – United States

A company that makes watch fasteners will try to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to revive a $6.7 million jury award against Fossil Inc., arguing that negligence is enough to award profits in trademark infringement cases.

情報源: Battle Over Trademark Profit Awards to Play Out at Supreme Court

Romag’s Trademarks
Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil, Inc. (CAFC)


商標登録insideNews: VW Trademarks ‘Basecamp’ Name For Possible Off-Road Atlas | motor1.com

The concept for the Basecamp debuted at the 2019 New York Auto Show.Volkswagen submitted an application to trademark the Basecamp name in the United States on November 25. Carbuzz first found the filing. 

情報源: VW Trademarks ‘Basecamp’ Name For Possible Off-Road Atlas

2020 Volkswagen Atlas Basecamp Concept Experience, 4:51


米国商標実務 Section 2(e)(4) 姓であることを理由とする拒絶 (merely a surname)

Section 2(e)(4) Refusalとは 米国での商標登録を図る場合に、最も良くないパターンは既に競合する商標が存在しているケースですが、競合するような他人の商標がない場合でも識別力がない商標は拒絶されることが …

商標登録insideNews: USPTO rejects DNA sequencing trademark | LifeSciences IPReview

A San Diego biotechnology company has been refused a trademark registration for ‘Sequencing by Binding’ on the grounds that it is too descriptive. Omniome, which develops DNA sequencing tools, filed for the mark in 2017 but had its application refused by an examining attorney at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In a precedential decision, issued on Monday, January 6, the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) upheld the original decision, concluding that ‘Sequencing by Binding’ was descriptive of the claimed goods and services.

情報源: USPTO rejects DNA sequencing trademark


商標登録insideNews: Chinese court rules in favour of BBC in trademark lawsuit | The Star Online

Chinese court rules in favour of BBC in trademark lawsuit: A Chinese court has ruled in favour of British Broadcasting Corporation in a trademark infringement lawsuit that a Beijing firm made unauthorised use of the “BBC” logo.

情報源: Chinese court rules in favour of BBC in trademark lawsuit | The Star Online

“BBC”商标遭擅用 英国广播公司诉赔百万获全额支持

情報源: “BBC”商标遭擅用 英国广播公司诉赔百万获全额支持 -北京法院网


商標登録insideNews: Trademark registration in UAE increases by 30% in December | ZAWYA MENA Edition

ABU DHABI – The number of trademarks registered in the UAE increased by 30.5 percent in December 2019 compared to November 2019, reflecting the country’s growing leadership as a regional business centre in the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, and throughout the Middle East.

情報源: Trademark registration in UAE increases by 30% in December | ZAWYA MENA Edition

Gulf Cooperation Council


商標登録insideNews: Jimmy Garoppolo’s agent files trademark for ‘It feels great baby’ | NBCS Bay Area

Garoppolo has led the Niners to a 13-3 record and No. 1 seed in the NFC. If Garoppolo learned one thing from former mentor Tom Brady, it’s that you have to cash in on your fame. That’s exactly the 49ers star signal-caller and his agent are trying to do, as Yee & Dubin Sports, who represent Garoppolo, filed for six trademarks for, “It feels great, baby” on Dec. 30, per Josh Gerben.

情報源: Jimmy Garoppolo’s agent files trademark for ‘It feels great baby’ | NBCS Bay Area

49ers QB Jimmy Garoppolo’s exclusive interview with Steve Young | SportsCenter,


商標登録insideNews: A Chinese property tycoon fights an unusual trademark battle | ejinsight.com

Trademark battle over Xu Jiayin

Mainland property tycoon Xu Jiayin, founder of China Evergrande Group (03333.HK), surprisingly lost in a lawsuit against a company that uses the billionaire’s name as a trademark. In 2013, a Chinese businessman named Chen Huanran registered “Xu Jiayin” (Chinese: 许家印) as a trademark to sell textile products of his firm. Xu was not aware of that until…

情報源: A Chinese property tycoon fights an unusual trademark battle

China’s private sector plays an important role in improving people’s livelihood、2:12 Trademark battle over Xu Jiayin

China's private sector plays an important role in improving people’s livelihood

商標登録insideNews: Disputes over geographical indications of wine trademarks | China Business Law Journal


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