商標登録insideNews: ‘Seaface’: Royal Caribbean attempts to trademark sanitary face masks | usatoday.com

Dying to get back on a cruise ship but nervous about the potential spread of coronavirus on board? Royal Caribbean is seeking a solution.

情報源: ‘Seaface’: Royal Caribbean attempts to trademark sanitary face masks

Goods and Services: Sanitary masks for virus isolation purposes: Cruise ship services
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 88863882
Filing Date April 8, 2020
Owner (APPLICANT) Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. CORPORATION LIBERIA 1050 Caribbean Way Miami FLORIDA 33132

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世界知的所有権機関 動画

世界知的所有権の日 2020 – 環境に優しい未来のためのイノベーション
2020年世界知的所有権の日: WIPO事務局長フランシス・ガリからのメッセージ
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