欧州欧州研究およびプロジェクト オフィス GmbH (EURICE) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

EURICE video

1.European IPR Helpdesk – Introduction & Services, 2:02 EURICE video

European IPR Helpdesk - Introduction & Services

欧州 知的財産ヘルプデスク (European IP Helpdesk) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

Eurice is a research-led consultancy firm offering knowledge-intensive business services- mainly related to Access to Finance: R&I Project Design/Management, Collaborative Innovation Management, Communication & Training


商標登録insideNews: デザイン酷似の台湾スタバ、包装を変更 指摘も…運営会社「以前から計画」|山形新聞


情報源: デザイン酷似の台湾スタバ、包装を変更 指摘も…運営会社「以前から計画」|山形新聞


From twitter


エルサルバドル国立登録センター(CNR) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.2

エルサルバドル国立登録センター 動画

SERVICIOS EN LÍNEA, 0:58 (from Facebook)オンラインサービス

MARCA, 0:27

エルサルバドル国立登録センターエルサルバドル国立登録センター 動画
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連126機関) 地域ブロック別

El Centro Nacional de Registros (CNR) es un ente perteneciente al gobierno de El Salvador, que garantiza los principios de publicidad, legalidad y seguridad jurídica de los registros de propiedad raíz e hipotecas, de comercio, propiedad intelectual, garantías mobiliarias, cartográficas y catastrales.


商標登録insideNews: Notice to all Applicants on the Amendments to the Banjul Protocol | The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

Reference is made to the Resolutions of the ARIPO Administrative Council at its 43rd Session that was held in Margibi County, Liberia, from November 18 to 20, 2019. The Administrative Council adopted the amendments to the Banjul Protocol on Marks as well as its Implementing Regulations, which shall come into force on January 1, 2020.

情報源: Notice to all Applicants on the Amendments to the Banjul Protocol – The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)

Banjul-Protocol 2019 バンジュール議定書(Banjul Protocol)は、商標についてのアフリカ広域知的財産機関(ARIPO)の取り扱いを定めていて、1993年にガンビアのバンジュールで作成されています。

Amendments to the Banjul Protocol on Marks (ARIPO_BP/2019/1) 新規定として、Rule 5ter Filing DateとRule 11ter Notice of Oppositionが追加されています。2020年1月1日施行です。


商標登録insideNews: Trademark Loss for 161-Year-Old Insurer Shows Risk of Rebranding | bloomberg

An insurance company’s failed attempt to revive the term “Equitable” that it had used for over 150 years underscores the importance of continuously using a trademark and the risks of abandoning a well-established mark even for a short time, attorneys say.

情報源: Trademark Loss for 161-Year-Old Insurer Shows Risk of Rebranding

Standards for Success: AXA Equitable, 8:07


商標登録insideNews: Harry and Meghan: Sussex Royal trademark bid challenged – BBC News

Sussex Trademark May be challenged

Plans by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to trademark their Sussex Royal brand could face an official challenge. A “notice of threatened opposition” was filed with the Intellectual Property Office, giving the complainant a month to lodge a formal objection.That is now being rescinded, after an Australian doctor named in the filing said his details had been used without permission

情報源: Harry and Meghan: Sussex Royal trademark bid challenged – BBC NewsSussex Trademark May be challenged

Crazy twist in Prince Harry, Meghan Sussex Royal trademark debacle, claims ‘imposter’ sabotaging application

情報源: Crazy twist in Prince Harry, Meghan Sussex Royal trademark debacle, claims ‘imposter’ sabotaging application | Newshub

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry File To Trademark Sussex Royal Charity, 2:17

Meghan Markle And Prince Harry File To Trademark Sussex Royal Charity

商標登録insideNews: ヘンリー王子夫妻のブランド戦略頓挫? 女王が「ロイヤル」使用禁止 | 時事ドットコム
(Sussex Trademark May be challenged)


商標登録insideNews: US Space Force logo looks like one from Star Trek | BBC News

US Space Force logo looks like one from Star Trek. The newly unveiled logo for US Space Force appears to have boldly gone where Star Trek went before.Twitter users noted that the emblem, revealed by President Donald Trump, bears an uncanny likeness to the insignia from the cult sci-fi TV series.The striking resemblance left many critics as stunned as though they had been zapped by Captain Kirk’s phaser.But others online insisted the logo was really based on the US Air Force One.

情報源: US Space Force logo looks like one from Star Trek – BBC News

from bbc.com

ジョージア特許庁(საქპატენტი • Sakpatenti) 商標_動画(embedded)

საკანონმდებლო ცვლილებები ინტელექტუალური საკუთრების საკითხებში (from Facebook)


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