商標登録insideNews: Van Cleef & Arpels’ 3D Jewelry Trademark Invalidation Affirmed
On July 20, 2020, the Beijing Intellectual Property Court announced it affirmed an earlier ruling by the Trademark Office of the China National Intellectual Property Office in
情報源: Van Cleef & Arpels’ 3D Jewelry Trademark Invalidation Affirmed
Making-of Alhambra collection, 2:25
商標登録insideNews: The Dominican Republic and Saint Kitts and Nevis join TM Class | EUIPO
As of 27 July 2020, the National Industrial Property Office of the Dominican Republic (ONAPI) and the Intellectual Property Office of Saint Kitts and Nevis (IPOSKN) are part of TMclass.ONAPI will use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass and IPOSKN will join the tool with a list of common terms between HDB and WIPO’s Madrid Goods and Services (MGS).
情報源: EUIPO – The Dominican Republic and Saint Kitts and Nevis join T
The National Industrial Property Office of the Dominican Republic (ONAPI)
The Intellectual Property Office of Saint Kitts and Nevis (IPOSKN)
商標登録insideNews: Federal Circuit Reverses TTAB Ruling on Standing for Petition to Cancel Condom Trademark
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled yesterday that Australian Therapeutic Supplies Pty. Ltd. has “a real interest” in cancelling the registration for NAKED for condoms, owned by Naked TM, LLC.
情報源: Federal Circuit Reverses TTAB Ruling on Standing for Petition to Cancel Condom Trademark
商標登録insideNews: 商标注册同日申请抽签首次采用线上抽签方式 | 国家知识产权局
7月20日,商标注册同日申请网上抽签及公证系统正式上线!(商標登録の同日出願にオンラインのくじを実施)首日抽签已圆满结束,应参加抽签为130组,涉及270余件商标,其中资格审核通过133件商标,完成签到108件商标,实际参加抽签108件商标。 根据商标法和商标法实施条例规定,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,分别以相同或者近似的商标在同一天申请注册的,各申请人应当向国家知识产权局商标局(下称商标局)提交其申请注册前在先使用该商标的证据。同日使用或者均未使用的,各申请人可以自行协商,并将书面协议报送商标局;不愿协商或者协商不成的,商标局通知各申请人以抽签的方式确定一个申请人,驳回其他人的注册申请。
商標登録insideNews: Latest trademark fee setting information | USPTO
Trademark Fee Setting and Adjusting Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Supplemental MaterialsOn June 19, 2020, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office or USPTO) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to set or increase certain trademark fees as authorized by the AIA, as amended by the SUCCESS Act. The proposed fee adjustments are needed to provide the Office with a sufficient amount of aggregate revenue to recover the aggregate cost of Trademark and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) operations in future years (based on current projections) and to allow the Office to continue progress towards achieving strategic goals.
情報源: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO
米国特許商標庁は、昨年8月に商標オフィシャルフィーの改正案(一次案)を公表しましたが、パブリックコメントの聴取を経て、この度、二次案が公表されました。(2020.6.19 連邦官報 85 FR 37040)
情報源: 【商標NEWS】 米国特許商標庁 商標登録の商品・役務削除費用導入の動き(続報)|知財情報|日本技術貿易株式会社
85 FR 46932 8月3日発行のFederal Registerでは、特許関連の新料金が2020年10月2日から開始されることが発表されています。
- 出願 (TEAS Standard 275→350ドル;TEAS plus 225→250ドル, Sec 66a 400→500ドル)
- Sec8or 71 使用宣誓書(125→225ドル)
- 長官への請願(100→150ドル)
- TTAB異議申立、審判請求(400→600ドル)
- 審判請求をするための2回目以降の延長請求 (100/200→200/400ドル)
- 口頭聴聞 (0→500ドル)
- 抗告申立(letter of protest)(0→50ドル)
- 拒絶理由通知から3ヶ月経過後の再考慮(reconsideration)の申請 (0→400ドル)
- Sec8or 71 使用宣誓書の提出後の商品、役務、及びまたは区分の削除 (0→250ドル)
- 審判請求をするための最初の延長請求
- 拒絶理由通知から3ヶ月以内の再考慮の申請
- Sec8or 71 使用宣誓書の提出前の商品、役務、及びまたは区分の削除
商標登録insideNews: 商標註冊申請案「快軌機制」預定109年5月1日起開始試行實施,歡迎申請人多加運用!-最新消息 | 經濟部智慧財產局
情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-布告欄-商標註冊申請案「快軌機制」預定109年5月1日起開始試行實施,歡迎申請人多加運用!

マドリッド制度による国際登録出願では、1つの登録出願で多数の国での商標権を得ることができるというメリットがあります。ところが、国際登録出願の願書の記載内容は、各国様式の最大公約数的なところがありますので、各国の詳細な事情 …
商標登録insideNews: Tesla abandons ‘Teslaquila’ trademark, opens door to new booze branding
Elon Musk may be promising the market debut of Teslaquila as just around the corner (or many), but whether or not the name will stay the same may be a question thanks to issues with procuring the trademark rights. According to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Tesla’s application for the mark was abandoned […]
情報源: Tesla abandons ‘Teslaquila’ trademark, opens door to new booze branding
Teslaquila’: Tesla and Musk’s tequila venture, 1:48
商標登録insideNews: Tesla moves to trademark ‘Teslaquila’ – MarketWatch
商標登録insideNews: Registering defensive trademarks in Mozambique | World Trademark Review
In Mozambique, the declaration of intention to use system allows applicants to file trademarks with the purpose of preventing third parties from registering and using similar marks for different goods or services, with no obligation of use.
情報源: Registering defensive trademarks in Mozambique | World Trademark Review