商標登録insideNews: 清酒「灘五郷」に「冷卸」追記 ブランド力向上へ | 神戸新聞NEXT


情報源: 神戸新聞NEXT|総合|清酒「灘五郷」に「冷卸」追記 ブランド力向上へ


地理的表示「灘五郷」生産基準 令和2年8月17日変更
3 酒類の特性を維持するための管理に関する事項: (1)により確認を受けた酒類であって、酒類の容器又は包装に地理的表示であることを明らかにする表示と併せて「冷卸(ひやおろし)」である旨を表示する場合は、業務実施要領に基づき表示することとする。


商標登録insideNews: New TTAB Reading Room for searching TTAB decisions | USPTO

TTAB Reading Room available: On July 31, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) deployed its new Reading Room, which replaces the former TTAB e-FOIA webpage. Use the Reading Room to search TTAB final decisions and precedential orders. You can search cases by date, issue, and other criteria. You can also search by language within the decision.

情報源: Trademark Trial and Appeal Board | USPTO

商標登録insideNews: 東京都が”新しい日常”と”東京アラート”を商標出願 令和2年5月

新しい日常と東京アラート 新型コロナウイルス


東京アラート (Jplatpat)新しい日常と東京アラート 新型コロナウイルス

新しい日常 (Jplatpat)

商標登録insideNews: 東京都がスタートアップ支援拡充へ、知財活用を後押し|ニュースイッチ 日刊工業新聞社
The spread of the new coronavirus continues, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has applied for trademark registration for “Tokyo Alert” on May 20, 2020 and “New Daily Life” on May 21, 2020. increase

商標登録insideNews: Blockchain-Based Trademark App Can Boost Australian Economy, Says Minister – CoinDesk

Australia’s rugby league is using a blockchain-based app to stop counterfeit goods; a government minister has said it could help grow the national economy. This comes as Australia’s National Rugby League (NRL) announced Monday it was piloting a blockchain-based app developed by the country’s patent and intellectual property office. Called Smart Trademark, the platform allows the legal owners of a trademark to link online stores and their supply chains to a government registry, so they can distinguish themselves from counterfeit websites.

情報源: Blockchain-Based Trademark App Can Boost Australian Economy, Says Minister – CoinDesk

商標登録insideNews: Lexus RZ 450e Trademark Could Signal New Electric SUV | motor1.com

Lexus RZ 450e Trademark

The company filed trademarks in the US, Europe, and Australia.Breaking down trademark filings is never easy. Automakers can obtain one they’ll never use, but this new filing from Lexus has a good chance of seeing daylight. The luxury Japanese automaker filed trademarks in the US, Europe, and Australia, first discovered by Lexus Enthusiast, for the RZ 450e.

情報源: Lexus RZ 450e Trademark Could Signal New Electric SUV

情報源: レクサスが全く新しいピュアEVモデル「RZ450e」を商標出願。UX300eに続く100%電気自動車…”Z”は何を意味している?気になる日本での発売は? | Creative Trend

From US filing,

Word Mark RZ450E
Goods and Services IC 012.G&S: automobiles and structural parts thereof
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 90099987
Filing Date August 7, 2020
Current Basis 1B

Introducing the LF-30 Electrified Concept, 1:30 Lexus RZ 450e Trademark

商標登録insideNews: A New Heart for the Lexus GX? Toyota Files for GX550 Trademark | Motortrend

商標登録insideNews: マドリッド制度の新しいオンラインサービスで国際登録の出願がさらに簡単に | WIPO

世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)は新サービス「Madrid Application Assistant」の提供を開始しました。これにより、国際登録の出願に必要な全ての情報が自動入力されます

情報源: マドリッド制度の新しいオンラインサービスで国際登録の出願がさらに簡単に

Madrid Application Assistant

商標登録insideNews: Dior Fails to Block “Pretty Savage” Trademark in UK, Despite Alleged Similarity to its “Sauvage” Mark | The Fashion Law

Christian Dior has been handed a loss in its attempt to block another party’s “confusingly similar” trademark from being registered. According to the

情報源: Dior Fails to Block “Pretty Savage” Trademark in UK, Despite Alleged Similarity to its “Sauvage” Mark | The Fashion Law

Dior SAUVAGE featuring Johnny Depp | Sephora, 1:11

Cutting and Stamping the Soap, 0:49

商標登録insideNews: CNIPA Issues Systematic Guidelines for Determination of Trademark Infringement in Administrative Enforcement Actions | Dorsey & Whitney LLP – JDSupra

An administrative enforcement action is one of the ways to enforce registered trademark rights in China against infringers, especially counterfeiters. Such enforcement actions are conducted by the Administration of Market Regulation (MSA) and its local branches. After receiving a complaint of trademark infringement, an MSA officer would need to first determine whether the complained-of act should be deemed trademark infringement before he can proceed to consider the enforcement steps, such as to raid and seize infringing goods and issue a penalty decision.

情報源: CNIPA Issues Systematic Guidelines for Determination of Trademark Infringement in Administrative Enforcement Actions | Dorsey & Whitney LLP – JDSupra

情報源: CNIPA Issues Criteria on Determining Trademark Infringement

情報源: 统一执法标准!《商标侵权判断标准》出台 — 国家知识产权局

情報源: 《商标侵权判断标准》的三大亮点 — 国家知识产权局

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