商標登録insideNews: Lexus LBX Trademark Application May Hint At Tiny Crossover Concept | motor1.com

Lexus LBX Trademark Application reveals

Lexus LBX Trademark Application reveals

On August 5, Toyota filed a trademark application of “LBX” in Europe. On the same day, the company also requested “LBX” and “Lexus LBX” in Israel. Then on August 7, the automaker submitted the paperwork for “LBX” in Iceland and Switzerland. All of them are in the category for “automobiles and structural parts thereof.”

情報源: Lexus LBX Trademark Application May Hint At Tiny Crossover Concept

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京都市立芸術大学 対 京都芸術大学

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続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 名前酷似は商標侵害「京都市立芸術大学」が「京都芸術大学」名称使用差し止め求めて仮処分申し立て | Yahoo!ニュース”

商標登録insideNews: Lawsuit alleges misuse of Terrible Towel trademark on face coverings | TribLIVE.com

The owner of the Terrible Towel trademark, created by beloved Pittsburgh sports broadcaster Myron Cope more than 40 years ago, is suing an Indiana County store over its sales this summer of “The Terrible Mask.”The lawsuit, filed by the Eamon Foundation in federal court in Pittsburgh, accuses the defendants of trademark infringement, saying they are improperly profiting from their sales of protective masks. A website lists the price of the masks at $15.

情報源: Lawsuit alleges misuse of Terrible Towel trademark on face coverings | TribLIVE.com

Myron Cope-The Tale of the Terrible Towel, 1:45

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