商標登録insideNews: USPTO announces COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Program for certain trademark and service mark applications | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced a new COVID-19 prioritized examination program for certain trademark and service mark applications.Under this new program, the USPTO will accept petitions to advance the initial examination of applications for marks used to identify qualifying COVID-19 medical products and services. Additionally, the USPTO will waive the fee for such petitions.

情報源: USPTO announces COVID-19 Prioritized Examination Program for certain trademark and service mark applications | USPTO



商標登録insideNews: Cadillac Perfume And Cologne Hinted By New Trademark Filing | GM Authority

A new trademark filing suggests that a Cadillac perfume and cologne line might be on the horizon.General Motors has filed to trademark “Cadillac” in association with two goods and services categories:Room fragrances; perfumes and colognes; non-medicated soaps for personal useCandles

情報源: Cadillac Perfume And Cologne Hinted By New Trademark Filing | GM Authority

Cadillac | Finish Line | Make Your Way、0:30


商標登録insideNews: BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE trademarks filed: Manchester businessman plans charitable foundation | World Trademark Review

Entrepreneur tells WTR of plan to launch non-profit to help disadvantaged children – and, if the BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE marks are granted, will seek a royalty fee from other entities that use the terms in the United Kingdom.

情報源: BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE trademarks filed: Manchester businessman plans charitable foundation | World Trademark Review


商標登録insideNews: 八ツ橋訴訟、「井筒」敗訴「聖護院」の創業年表示で |日本経済新聞


情報源: 八ツ橋訴訟、「井筒」敗訴 「聖護院」の創業年表示で (写真=共同) :日本経済新聞


情報源: 老舗「八ッ橋」“創業年に根拠なし”裁判 訴え退ける 京都地裁 | NHKニュース

商標登録insideNews: 京都の八ッ橋、創業年巡り提訴 老舗同士の争い法廷で : 京都新聞



Trademark fluidity – not only humans are social distancing – International Law Office

Only a few weeks ago, the phrase ‘social distancing’ was not part of daily conversations. However, in the context of the current COVID-19 crisis, it is on everyone’s lips and is now one of the most well-known measures introduced to limit the spread of COVID-19. In order to stay relevant in these strange times, a number of brands have temporarily adapted or modified their trademarks and logos to reinforce the importance of complying with the health guidelines.

情報源: Trademark fluidity – not only humans are social distancing – Newsletters – International Law Office

Why changing a logo to promote social distancing isn’t always a good move | Marketing Media Money, 3:45


商標登録insideNews: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 | 日本経済新聞

愛知 新ブランド米

愛知 新ブランド米


情報源: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 :日本経済新聞

愛知県産 新ブランド米「愛ひとつぶ」のブランドマークを商標出願しました

情報源: 【知事会見】愛知県産 新ブランド米「愛ひとつぶ」のブランドマークを商標出願しました – 愛知県

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 | 日本経済新聞”


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