世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)は新サービス「Madrid Application Assistant」の提供を開始しました。これにより、国際登録の出願に必要な全ての情報が自動入力されます
商標登録insideNews: Dior Fails to Block “Pretty Savage” Trademark in UK, Despite Alleged Similarity to its “Sauvage” Mark | The Fashion Law
Christian Dior has been handed a loss in its attempt to block another party’s “confusingly similar” trademark from being registered. According to the
Dior SAUVAGE featuring Johnny Depp | Sephora, 1:11
Cutting and Stamping the Soap, 0:49
商標登録insideNews: CNIPA Issues Systematic Guidelines for Determination of Trademark Infringement in Administrative Enforcement Actions | Dorsey & Whitney LLP – JDSupra
An administrative enforcement action is one of the ways to enforce registered trademark rights in China against infringers, especially counterfeiters. Such enforcement actions are conducted by the Administration of Market Regulation (MSA) and its local branches. After receiving a complaint of trademark infringement, an MSA officer would need to first determine whether the complained-of act should be deemed trademark infringement before he can proceed to consider the enforcement steps, such as to raid and seize infringing goods and issue a penalty decision.
情報源: CNIPA Issues Criteria on Determining Trademark Infringement
商標登録insideNews: 大阪公立大の英語表記、阪大が商標登録でも異議を検討 | 朝日新聞デジタル
[コメント] ”University of Osaka”であれば、これは”the University of Osaka”の冠詞がないだけの表記ですが、これは大阪という地区を代表する大学という意味になります。シカゴにはノーベル賞受賞者を多く輩出するUniversity of Chicagoがあります。東京大学もthe University of Tokyoであって、Tokyo Universityではない表記を使用しています。英米人の感覚では、the University of Osakaの方がOsaka Universityよりも格上な感じを与えると思います。旧帝大系の阪大からの異議ありも理由がない訳ではないところでしょう。ちなみに旧帝大系で英語表記をUniversity of 地域名としているのは東京大学だけです。大阪府立大(堺市)と市立大(大阪市)が統合する「大阪公立大」の英語表記「University of Osaka」をめぐり、大阪大(Osaka University、大阪府吹田市)が混同されると再考を求めている問題で、阪大は6日、公立大の英語表記の商標登録を審査中の特許庁に、近く商標法上の登録要件を欠くと情報提供をすることを検討していると明らかにした。
商標登録insideNews: The Lao People’s Democratic Republic joins TMclass | EUIPO
As of 10 August 2020, the Department of Intellectual Property under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (DIP-LA) has joined TMclass with goods and services in both Lao and English.
商標登録insideNews: Rakuten Medical Sues Illumina Over Trademark Dispute | GenomeWeb
NEW YORK – Rakuten Medical, a cancer therapy developer, has escalated a trademark dispute by suing Illumina in US federal court. According to a complaint filed Wednesday in the US District Court for the District of Northern California, Rakuten Medical seeks a declaration that its Illuminox platform will not infringe Illumina’s trademarks. Filings submitted by Illumina to the US Patent and Trademark Office Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) show that the sequencing firm has asked the agency to reject Rakuten Medical’s application for the Illuminox trademark.Rakuten Medical has also asked the court to award it attorneys’ fees associated with the suit.
情報源: Rakuten Medical Sues Illumina Over Trademark Dispute | GenomeWeb
Opposition (Illuminox v. Illumina)
Number: 91254560 Filing Date: 03/03/2020
Status: Pending Status Date: 03/10/2020
General Contact Number: 571-272-8500
Name: Rakuten Medical, Inc.
Name: Illumina, Inc.
Rakuten Medical: Our Journey toward Conquering Cancer, 5:30
商標登録insideNews: ドワンゴが「投げ銭」を商標登録 “用語の使用を独占する意図はない” | エキサイトニュース
情報源: ドワンゴが「投げ銭」を商標登録 「用語の使用を独占する意図はない」 (2020年8月6日) – エキサイトニュース
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: ドワンゴが「投げ銭」を商標登録 “用語の使用を独占する意図はない” | エキサイトニュース”
商標登録insideNews: Uganda joins TMclass and DesignClass | EUIPO
As of 03 August 2020, the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is part of TMclass and DesignClass. URSB will now use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as well as the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DesignClass.
商標登録insideNews: Trademarks In Germany: Five Things You Need To Know – Germany |
It’s no secret that Germany is home to some of the world’s most valuable brands. Indeed, Mercedes Benz, BMW and SAP (just to name a few) are all ranked in the top 20 of Interbrands’ 2019 Best Global Brands list. Germany is also an important market for brand owners throughout the world.
情報源: Trademarks In Germany: Five Things You Need To Know – Intellectual Property – Germany