商標登録insideNews: Cadillac Perfume And Cologne Hinted By New Trademark Filing | GM Authority
A new trademark filing suggests that a Cadillac perfume and cologne line might be on the horizon.General Motors has filed to trademark “Cadillac” in association with two goods and services categories:Room fragrances; perfumes and colognes; non-medicated soaps for personal useCandles
情報源: Cadillac Perfume And Cologne Hinted By New Trademark Filing | GM Authority
Cadillac | Finish Line | Make Your Way、0:30
商標登録insideNews: BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE trademarks filed: Manchester businessman plans charitable foundation | World Trademark Review
Entrepreneur tells WTR of plan to launch non-profit to help disadvantaged children – and, if the BLACK LIVES MATTER and I CAN’T BREATHE marks are granted, will seek a royalty fee from other entities that use the terms in the United Kingdom.
商標登録insideNews: 八ツ橋訴訟、「井筒」敗訴「聖護院」の創業年表示で |日本経済新聞
情報源: 八ツ橋訴訟、「井筒」敗訴 「聖護院」の創業年表示で (写真=共同) :日本経済新聞
情報源: 老舗「八ッ橋」“創業年に根拠なし”裁判 訴え退ける 京都地裁 | NHKニュース
商標登録insideNews: 京都の八ッ橋、創業年巡り提訴 老舗同士の争い法廷で : 京都新聞
商標登録insideNews: WIPO data reveals rise in international trademark applications originating from Africa | Inventa International
Africa increases international TM number
Trademark fluidity – not only humans are social distancing – International Law Office
Only a few weeks ago, the phrase ‘social distancing’ was not part of daily conversations. However, in the context of the current COVID-19 crisis, it is on everyone’s lips and is now one of the most well-known measures introduced to limit the spread of COVID-19. In order to stay relevant in these strange times, a number of brands have temporarily adapted or modified their trademarks and logos to reinforce the importance of complying with the health guidelines.
情報源: Trademark fluidity – not only humans are social distancing – Newsletters – International Law Office
Why changing a logo to promote social distancing isn’t always a good move | Marketing Media Money, 3:45
商標登録insideNews: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 | 日本経済新聞
愛知 新ブランド米
情報源: 愛知の新米「愛ひとつぶ」9月から販売 味コシヒカリと同等 :日本経済新聞
愛知県産 新ブランド米「愛ひとつぶ」のブランドマークを商標出願しました
情報源: 【知事会見】愛知県産 新ブランド米「愛ひとつぶ」のブランドマークを商標出願しました – 愛知県
登録日:令和2(2020)年 3月 9日
出願日:平成31(2019)年 3月 27日
商標登録insideNews: Pandemic prompts plenty of new trademark requests | Grand Rapids Business Journal
Although the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy, some people are looking to capitalize on it.
情報源: Pandemic prompts plenty of new trademark requests – Grand Rapids Business Journal