台湾 智慧財產及商業法院 商標_動画(embedded) vol.2

台湾 智慧財產及商業法院 動画

1.Brief Introduction to the Intellectual Property and Commercial Court 智慧財產及商業法院簡介、7:36 台湾 智慧財產及商業法院 動画

Brief Introduction to the Intellectual Property and Commercial Court 智慧財產及商業法院簡介

2.Brief Introduction to the Intellectual Property Litigation System 智慧財產案件訴訟制度簡介, 7:12

Brief Introduction to the Intellectual Property Litigation System 智慧財產案件訴訟制度簡介

台湾 智慧財產及商業法院 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

The “Intellectual Property and Commercial Organization Act” was amended to incorporate the commercial court with the IPC. After the merge, the IPC was renamed as “Intellectual Property and Commercial Court” on July 1, 2021, which brought Taiwan’s judicial resolution mechanism on IP and commercial events to a new milestone.


台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO) vol.15 商標_動画(embedded)

台湾經濟部智慧財產局 動画

台湾の商標分野における最近の進展についての3つの台湾經濟部智慧財產局(TIPO)の動画です。Part 1は統計データ、Part 2は商標審査の効率改善、Part 3は産業別の指定商品・指定役務についてのマニュアルや支援策について紹介しています。

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商標登録insideNews: 最新消息-行政院今(20)日通過「著作權法」及「商標法」部分條文修正草案 | 經濟部智慧財產局 台湾

台湾 著作權法及商標法 部分改正


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-新聞稿-因應CPTPP行政院今(20)日通過「著作權法」及「商標法」部分條文修正草案

台湾 著作權法及商標法 部分改正
Shí dìng Thousand Island Lake, Taiwan

The main points of the revision of the “Trademark Law” are as follows: (1) Delete the current trademark law’s provision that the civil liability for counterfeit labels requires that the actor must “knowledge” to constitute an infringement, and return to the general civil liability for damages based on “intention” or “negligence”. (2) Penalties for acts such as counterfeiting trademarks or collective trademark labels will be added, and criminal penalties will be imposed on importing counterfeit trademark labels, packaging, etc.


商標登録insideNews: 最新消息-法規公告-本局重新編修110年9月版「商標法逐條釋義」,歡迎參考利用!| 台湾經濟部智慧財產局

110年9月版 商標法逐條釋義


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-法規公告-本局重新編修110年9月版「商標法逐條釋義」,歡迎參考利用!110年9月版 商標法逐條釋義



Taiwan Intellectual Property Office, TIPO, was established in 1999 as an agency that combines patent, trademark, copyright, IC layout, and trade secret authorities. TIPO is responsible for IP policy formulation, IP law drafting, and inter-agency enforcement coordination.


商標登録insideNews: Taiwan’s First Semi-Annual Statistical Report in 2021 for Patent and Trademark Filings | Lexology

Trademark Applications(1)The number of trademark filings from domestic applicants hit a new record high.There were 46,379 case-based trademark applications filed, and 59,814 class-based applications filed, representing an increase of 7% on last year over the same period. While filings from both domestic and foreign applicants both increased, the number of filings from domestic applicants reached a total of 35,048.(2)The class with the most domestic applications made was class 35; the class with the most foreign applications was class 9.Domestic applicants filed 6,919 applications (with a growth of 16%) in class 35 for “advertising, business management, retail and wholesale services.” Foreign applicants filed 2,115 applications in class 9 for “computer and technology products.” Among the foreign origins with the most trademark applicants for this period, China took first place.

情報源: Taiwan’s First Semi-Annual Statistical Report in 2021 for Patent and Trademark Filings – Lexology


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-新聞稿-智慧局公布110年上半年智慧財產權趨勢

