商標登録insideNews: U.S. Trademark Office Issues Guide on How It Will Apply the Supreme Court’s Booking.com Decision to Examination of Relevant Applications | Mintz – Trademark & Copyright Viewpoints – JDSupra

As we reported in our July 7, 2020 blog post on the USPTO v. Booking.com B.V decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a proposed mark consisting of the combination of a generic term and a generic top-level domain, like “.com,” is not automatically generic and can be protected as a trademark under certain circumstances. Now, the U.S. Trademark Office has issued an Examination Guide providing guidance on how it intends to apply that ruling to the examination of applications for these types of proposed trademarks.

情報源: U.S. Trademark Office Issues Guide on How It Will Apply the Supreme Court’s Booking.com Decision to Examination of Relevant Applications | Mintz – Trademark & Copyright Viewpoints – JDSupra

Examination Guide 3-20 Generic.com Terms after USPTO v. Booking.com October 2020


コロナ禍の影響から今やマスクやフェイスシールドは外出時や公共機関、公共交通の利用時の必需品となっており、これらのマスクやフェイスシールドについての需要は暫くは衰えたりはしないものと予想されてます。商標法では、マスクやフェ …

商標登録insideNews: Playboy Files Lawsuit Against Fashion Nova for Trademark Infringement | Odessa

Playboy Enterprises, Inc. has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against Fashion Nova, Inc. for infringing Playboy’s world-famous Playboy BUNNY COSTUME design (the “BUNNY COSTUME ® ”).

情報源: Playboy Files Lawsuit Against Fashion Nova for Trademark Infringement – Business – Odessa

Halloween’s Never Been Sexier | FASHION NOVA, 1:00

商標登録insideNews: Zoom Sued for Trademark Infringement Over ‘Zapp’ App Integration | bloomberglaw.com

Zoom Sued for TM Infringement Over Zapp

Zoom Sued for TM Infringement Over Zapp

Zoom Video Communications Inc.’s new “Zapps” function for integrating third-party apps infringes Zapier Inc.’s trademarks covering similar services, according to a complaint filed Monday in San Francisco federal court.

情報源: Zoom Sued for Trademark Infringement Over ‘Zapp’ App Integration

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Zoom Sued for Trademark Infringement Over ‘Zapp’ App Integration | bloomberglaw.com”

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