全米知的財産権調整センター 動画
続きを読む“全米知的財産権調整センター(National IPR Center: NIPRCC) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1”
Users are warned to be especially alert due to a new misleading invoice in circulation, which takes the form of a fake EUTM renewal invoice.(欧州連合商標の更新の請求書の形をとった新しい偽の請求書が出回っています。利用者は特に注意する必要があります。) The misleading invoice, which can be viewed here, has very recently been reported to the Office by users.This latest misleading invoice uses the EUIPO’s logo, name, acronym and address, and purports to be an EUTM renewal invoice issued by the Office. It is mailed to users from Geneva, Switzerland, and includes a demand for a “registration and entry fee” to be transferred to a Polish bank account with a PL IBAN prefix.
情報源: EUIPO – New misleading invoice alert – Fake EUTM Renewal In
Misleading invoices, 1:06
Уряд дав старт функціонуванню Національного органу інтелектуальної власності(政府は国家知的財産局を立ち上げました。)
情報源: Уряд дав старт функціонуванню Національного органу інтелектуальної власності
Уряд дав старт функціонуванню Національного органу інтелектуальної власності、0:50
An Aussie fast food chain says it was being tongue-in-cheek when it released a ‘Big MacJac’ burger, but McDonald’s is not seeing the funny side.
情報源: BURGER WARS: Macca’s fires up at Aussie burger chain | Queensland Times
NEW Big Jack | Hungry Jack’s, 0:15
情報源: セクシー系インフルエンサーPokeprincxss氏、名前とグッズで任天堂に怒られる。反省しすぐさま改名 | AUTOMATON
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: セクシー系インフルエンサーPokeprincxss氏、名前とグッズで任天堂に怒られる。反省しすぐさま改名 | AUTOMATON”
Snack food manufacturer Ezaki Glico Co. lost a suit alleging a food distributor infringed on its Pocky stick cookies after the Third Circuit found Thursday the similar design of the products can’t be challenged under trademark law.
情報源: Ezaki Glico Loses Trademark Suit Over Pocky Stick Cookies
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Ezaki Glico Loses Trademark Suit Over Pocky Stick Cookies | bloomberglaw.com”
1.Inspired by Geographical Indications
欧州委員会農業・農村開発総局(EC AGRI) 商標_動画 vol.2
This Commission department (Agriculture and Rural Development) is responsible for EU policy on agriculture and rural development and deals with all aspects of the common agricultural policy (CAP).
On October 12, 2020, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO’s Director General, making Trinidad and Tobago the 107th member of the Madrid System, which now covers 123 countries. The Protocol will enter into force for Trinidad and Tobago on January 12, 2021.
情報源: Trinidad and Tobago Joins Madrid System
Intellectual Property Office of Trinidad and Tobago
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連140機関) 地域ブロック別