As of 03 August 2020, the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is part of TMclass and DesignClass. URSB will now use and accept the list of terms from the harmonised database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass as well as the list of terms from the harmonised database of product indications (HDBPI) in DesignClass.
It’s no secret that Germany is home to some of the world’s most valuable brands. Indeed, Mercedes Benz, BMW and SAP (just to name a few) are all ranked in the top 20 of Interbrands’ 2019 Best Global Brands list. Germany is also an important market for brand owners throughout the world.
A draft law amending part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “on geographical indications” was passed by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on 26 July 2019 and comes into effect on 27 July 2020. For the first time, it enables protection of GIs in Russia. It was also the first time in many years that a new right has been added to Russian IP law.
On July 27, 2020, amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation come into force, making it possible to register and protect a new object of intellectual property rights, a geographical indication.