商標登録insideNews: Does a .com suffix make a trademark? The US Supreme Court will decide as Booking marks its legal spot | The Register

If you know anything about law it is probably that you can’t trademark a generic name. But this week the US Supreme Court heard a case that introduces a fascinating wrinkle in that long-standing rule, courtesy of the internet.

情報源: Does a .com suffix make a trademark? The US Supreme Court will decide as Booking marks its legal spot • The Register

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments for USPTO v. Booking via Teleconference | LIVE | NowThis, 2:17:39

For the first time in its 230 year history, the Supreme Court is broadcasting its oral arguments, which are happening via teleconference due to the COVID-19 outbreak.


商標登録insideNews: USPTO extends certain patent and trademark deadlines to June 1 | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) today announced further extensions to the time allowed to file certain patent and trademark-related documents and to pay certain required fees. These actions are an exercise of temporary authority provided to the USPTO by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) signed by President Trump on March 27.

情報源: USPTO extends certain patent and trademark deadlines to June 1 | USPTO


米国特許商標庁(USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded)vol.16

USPTO video

1.USPTO, inventors, and partners celebrate World IP Day 2020, 3:33

USPTO, inventors, and partners celebrate World IP Day 2020

2.Guidance for filling out Micro Entity Status Form (PTO/SB/15A), 7:18

Guidance for filling out Micro Entity Status Form (PTO/SB/15A)

3.Introduction to USPTO’s EFS-Web (filing) and PAIR (retrieval) Systems, 13:09

Introduction to USPTO’s EFS-Web (filing) and PAIR (retrieval) Systems



商標登録insideNews: ‘Seaface’: Royal Caribbean attempts to trademark sanitary face masks | usatoday.com

Dying to get back on a cruise ship but nervous about the potential spread of coronavirus on board? Royal Caribbean is seeking a solution.

情報源: ‘Seaface’: Royal Caribbean attempts to trademark sanitary face masks

Goods and Services: Sanitary masks for virus isolation purposes: Cruise ship services
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 88863882
Filing Date April 8, 2020
Owner (APPLICANT) Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. CORPORATION LIBERIA 1050 Caribbean Way Miami FLORIDA 33132


コスタリカ国家登録局(RNCR) vol.3 商標_動画(embedded)

コスタリカ国家登録局 動画

1.Innovar para un futuro verde ☀️🌳🌱 “Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual 2020″、1:30

Innovar para un futuro verde ☀️🌳🌱 "Día Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual 2020"

コスタリカ国家登録局(Registro Nacional RNCR)
コスタリカ国家登録局(RNCR) 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

El Registro de la Propiedad Industrial es la autoridad administrativa, adscrita al Registro Nacional, responsable de la inscripción y el registro de los derechos en materia de Propiedad Industrial.

コスタリカ国家登録局 動画


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