Citroën took Polestar to court because of the chevrons in its logo.About three years ago, Polestar became an independent brand, rather than being Volvo’s performance division. It still kept close ties with its Swedish partner but began building dedicated vehicles with a focus on plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles.
Key information for customers and users of IP about how the IP system and the Intellectual Property Office will operate after the end of the transition period.
The Global Brand Database now includes the collection of India with about 2 million records. This brings to 64 the number of national/regional collections available in the Global Brand Database.
You can now file an international trademark application through Madrid e-Filing by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) via the ISIPO. The electronic service is paperless, user friendly and safe. An international trademark application must be based on a national application that will be registered later, or on a pre-existing Icelandic registration. The application can be filed in four simple steps:
The number of IP Offices using this WIPO solution has rapidly risen from three in 2018 to ten today: the Benelux, Australia, Georgia, Austria, Lithuania, Estonia, Canada, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, and now Iceland.
As we reported in our July 7, 2020 blog post on the USPTO v. B.V decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a proposed mark consisting of the combination of a generic term and a generic top-level domain, like “.com,” is not automatically generic and can be protected as a trademark under certain circumstances. Now, the U.S. Trademark Office has issued an Examination Guide providing guidance on how it intends to apply that ruling to the examination of applications for these types of proposed trademarks.