AfrIPI 動画
続きを読む“欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.26 (embedded)”
情報源: 【独自】日本の店“丸パクリ”ハンバーグ店直撃 スタバやマックのマニュアルも… 中国|FNNプライムオンライン
【独自】日本の店“丸パクリ”ハンバーグ店直撃 スタバやマックのマニュアルも… 中国、4:34
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 日本の店“丸パクリ”ハンバーグ店直撃 スタバやマックのマニュアルも…中国|FNNプライムオンライン”
情報源: 大谷翔平の愛犬「デコピン」をめぐる“商標権争い”が勃発! 出願者の言い分は… | 文春オンライン
Dog first pitch! Shohei Ohtani’s dog Decoy RUNS out the FIRST PITCH!、0:56
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 大谷翔平の愛犬「デコピン」をめぐる“商標権争い”が勃発! 出願者の言い分は… | 文春オンライン”
Kinh nghiệm bảo hộ quyền Sở hữu công nghiệp / 工業所有権の保護に関する経験
Kinh nghiệp khai thác thông tin Sở hữu công nghiệp / 工業所有権情報の活用経験
Kinh nghiệm thương mại hóa Tài sản trí tuệ / 知的財産の事業化経験
Inauguration of AI tech in IP office
Launch of AI-ML Trademark Search Technology & IP ChatBot
Shri Piyush Goyal MoCI on Launch of AI-ML Trademark Search Technology & IP ChatBot
Launch of AI-ML Trademark Search Technology & IP ChatBot
続きを読む“インド特許意匠商標総局 (CGPDTM) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.3”
Prilog kineske televizije CCTV sa “The third Belt and Road Conference on Intellectual Property” / CCTV テレビ「第3回一帯一路知的財産会議」の初回放送
The Supreme Court rules that there are ‘distinct visual differences’ in both their logos, and that Crocodile has no intent to ‘ride on the goodwill of Lacoste’ After 20 years of legal disputes that made it all the way to the Supreme Court, Lacoste has lost its trademark case against Crocodile over the use of what it claimed to be a “confusingly similar” logo.
情報源: Lacoste loses trademark fight vs Crocodile in the Philippines
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Lacoste loses trademark fight vs Crocodile in the Philippines |”