In a press conference in 1981, there was a question from a journalist about why Jobs chose the name Apple. To this question, he answered, ” I love apples and like to eat them. But the main idea behind Apple is to bring simplicity to the public in the most sophisticated way possible, and that’s it, nothing else.” “The fruit of creation, Apple. It was simple but strong. ” Apple Logo Evolution – It all Started With a Fruit
The first Apple logo was designed by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne in 1976, featuring Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree – a far cry from the iconic logo we know so well today.
On December 27, 2020, the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (“the Act”) became law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021. Among other changes, the Act includes important amendments to the Lanham Act:Establishes two new ex parte proceedings to cancel unused marks;Creates a uniform rule establishing a rebuttable presumption of irreparable harm for trademark infringement;Formalizes the procedure for Letters of Protest; andPermits the examiner to set shorter response times for office actions.
【法改正】Trademark Modernization Act(商標近代化法、TMA)により不使用を理由とする査定系抹消手続(Ex Parte Expungement)と査定系再審査手続(Ex Parte Reexamination)が新たに制度化されており、その施行日は2021年12月27日に決められています。また、商標権侵害があれば、それは反論できるものの回復不能な損害(rebuttable presumption of irreparable harm)が生じていると見なすものとなります。この推定規定から侵害での商標権者の挙証負担が軽減されます。また、拒絶理由通知(Office Action)の応答期間が6ヶ月から60日乃至6ヶ月と短く柔軟な期間を審査官が設定することができ、出願人側で6ヶ月とするには手数料がかかります。
On the 7th, Ebara Corporation announced that it has published information on its intellectual property holdings in the “Intellectual Property Encyclopedia.” The Intellectual Property Encyclopedia is a database of intellectual property that aims to encourage collaboration and create new businesses by expressing intellectual property in an easy-to-understand manner, raising possibilities (fantasizing), and publishing it on the web.