2.Севастопольское вино может получить географическое наименование – Вести. Севастополь, 7:43
Севастопольское вино может получить географическое наименование - Вести. Севастополь
3.Законодательство в сфере интеллектуальной собственности обсуждают на конференции в Москве, 2:43
Законодательство в сфере интеллектуальной собственности обсуждают на конференции в Москве
4.СПЕЦВЫПУСК Географическое указание – Крым. Крымские винодельни. Руководитель Роспатента Г. Ивлиев, 47:53
特別な問題地理的表示-クリミア。クリミアワイナリー。Rospatent G.Ivlievの責任者
СПЕЦВЫПУСК Географическое указание - Крым. Крымские винодельни. Руководитель Роспатента Г. Ивлиев
As we reported in November 2019, the USPTO has been making significant revisions to its rules to combat an influx of fraudulent trademark filings. Some of the biggest rule changes last year were to specimen requirements. The USPTO required that screenshots of websites needed to show the full URL and date, and that product packaging needed to be accompanied by an image or description of the product. In other words, hangtags by themselves or empty boxes were no longer acceptable.
Swedish brand Oatly has been denied a trademark for their logline ‘It’s like milk but made for humans’ for the bizarre reason that ‘people know cow’s milk is for calves’. If consumers know this – why then was the EU so hellbent on changing terminology around veggie burgers and sausages, claiming it ‘confused’ the public? We’re as baffled as you are!
地理的表示保護制度 地理的表示保護制度
The Geographical Indication Protection System refers to registration and protection of the names of products (geographical indications) as intellectual property, in which characteristics such as traditional production methods and production areas such as weather, climate, and soil are linked to characteristics such as quality.