A Utah man is suing one of the world’s biggest music stars, Taylor Swift, for trademark infringement. Caption: KUTV: Jim Spiewak reports Ken Bretschneider, the founder and CEO of Evermore Park, claims Swift is using a brand he’s spent millions building on her new album. Evermore Park started about three years ago as an experience and event park in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Ken Bretschneider, the founder and CEO of Evermore Park, in a 2News interview in 2018. (Photo: KUTV File)
情報源: Founder of Utah’s Evermore fantasy park sues Taylor Swift for trademark infringement | KUTV
情報源: テイラー・スウィフト、最新ALのタイトルを巡り米ユタ州のテーマパークに訴えられる(Billboard JAPAN) – Yahoo!ニュース
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