1.弁理士さんに聞いてみよう, 2:56
2.弁理士さんにおまかせ, 1:55
1.弁理士さんに聞いてみよう, 2:56
2.弁理士さんにおまかせ, 1:55
続きを読む“米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.19”
EUIPO and Eurojust step up cooperation to tackle IP crime The EUIPO and the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) are stepping up their cooperation to more effectively tackle criminal abuse of intellectual property rights in the field of counterfeiting and online piracy. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) was signed to boost Eurojust’s capacity and expand its expertise to support complex investigations in this field.
情報源: News
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: EUIPO and Eurojust step up cooperation to tackle IP crime | EUIPO”
情報源: テレ東子会社と地域企業支援へ 横浜銀行、商品開発で協業 | カナロコ by 神奈川新聞
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: テレ東子会社と地域企業支援へ 横浜銀行、商品開発で協業 | カナロコ by 神奈川新聞”
農林水産省は、本日(2021.3.12)、「甲子柿」及び「ルックガン ライチ」を地理的表示(GI)として、特定農林水産物等の名称の保護に関する法律(地理的表示法)に基づき、登録(登録番号第106号及び第107号)しましたので、お知らせします。
情報源: 尼斯分类NCL11-2021文本中日韩商品和服务类似群 编码对照表
情報源: 日中韓類似群コード対応表(ニース国際分類[第11-2021版]対応)の公表について | 経済産業省 特許庁
情報源: 2020年度知的財産権制度説明会(実務者向け)知的財産権について学べます(オンライン配信) | 経済産業省 特許庁
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 2020年度知的財産権制度説明会(実務者向け)知的財産権について学べます(オンライン配信) | 経済産業省 特許庁”
The United States Patent and Trademark Office Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “TTAB”) recently published a precedential decision regarding the treatment of trademarks for wine and spirits and their potential for being “deceptively misdescriptive” pursuant to Section 2(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1052(a). Section 2(a) has three provisions, all of which are relevant to the alcoholic beverage industry. In this new precedential decision, the TTAB held that “[t]erms that are not specifically place names, but which may have ‘geographical association,’ may provide bases for claims under the general deceptiveness provision of Section 2(a).”
Important Notice: The Québec government has announced its intention to modify the French Charter in order to better protect the French language in Québec. We do not know precisely when these changes will come into force, nor what they will entail. That said, we know that the Québec government wishes to announce these changes sometime in 2021. As soon as we know more, our firm will issue a publication advising of these changes and their coming into force, and make any necessary amendments to our French Language Requirements in Québec series.
时隔三十年,“奥特曼”再次被注册商标,申请人均不是出品方 2021-02-07 10:56,“奥特曼”被申请注册商标,国际分类为运输贮藏,申请人为苏州双间多维信息科技有限公司。此外,1月22日,东莞市切尔米服装有限公司新增“奥特曼曼”商标信息,国际分类为服装鞋帽。目前以上商标状态均为“商标申请中”。在2020年12月,好猫(上海)装饰设计工程有限公司曾申请“奥特曼未来空间”商标,国际分类包括教育娱乐、广告销售、材料加工等,商标状态为“等待实质审查”
情報源: 时隔三十年,“奥特曼”再次被注册商标,申请人均不是出品方_分类
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 时隔三十年,“奥特曼”再次被注册商标,申请人均不是出品方_分类”