商標登録insideNews: 外国出願費用の助成(中小企業等外国出願支援事業)| ジェトロ

外国出願にかかる費用の半額を助成します。ジェトロでは、中小企業等の戦略的な外国出願を促進するため、外国への事業展開等を計画している中小企業等に対して、国内出願(特許、実用新案、意匠、商標)と同内容の外国出願にかかる費用の半額を助成します。申請から助成までの流れ(632KB)(ご参考) 外国出願の前にちょっとアドバイス(770KB)応募受付期間 2021年6月21日(月曜)~ 2021年7月21日(水曜)17時00分 (必着)(郵送又は持ち込み)

情報源: 外国出願費用の助成(中小企業等外国出願支援事業) | ジェトロのサービス – ジェトロ


商標登録insideNews: Banksy trademarks two of his best known artworks in Australia | The Guardian

The street artist Banksy has successfully trademarked two of his most famous artworks in Australia, in an attempt to stop them being copied and sold.The secretive artist applied for the trademarks via a law firm based in Perth, and although the tactic ultimately failed in Europe, the Australian applications were successful and will be registered next week.

情報源: Banksy trademarks two of his best known artworks in Australia | Banksy | The Guardian

Number 2025771
Priority date 25 7 2019 (Filing)
Classes 2, 9, 16, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28, 41, 42
Owner Pest Control Office Limited
Number 2025772
Priority date 25 7 2019 (Filing)
Classes 2, 9, 16, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28, 41, 42
Owner Pest Control Office Limited

商標登録insideNews: What a huge surge in trademark filings means for applicants | A Blog from USPTO’s Leadership

Since last fall, trademark applications from U.S. and foreign applicants have surged to unprecedented levels. As of June 17, the increase is roughly 63% over last year, which translates to about 211,000 more applications. And in December 2020 alone, the USPTO received 92,608 trademark applications, an increase of 172% over December 2019. This surge has doubled the number of applications waiting to be examined and increased waiting times at various stages in our processes

情報源: Director’s Forum: A Blog from USPTO’s Leadership


Latin America IP SME Helpdesk 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.6

Latin America IP SME Helpdesk 動画

Latin America IP SME Helpdesk 動画
BENEFIT 1: LEGAL CERTAINTY // 5 Benefits of Intellectual Property to your Business
BENEFIT 2: RIGHT TO EXCLUDE // 5 Benefits of Intellectual Property to your Business
BENEFIT 3: BUILD YOUR REPUTATION // 5 Benefits of Intellectual Property to your Business
BENEFIT 4: REVENUE STREAMS // 5 Benefits of Intellectual Property to your Business
BENEFIT 5: BOOSTING PARTNERSHIPS // 5 Benefits of Intellectual Property to your Business

続きを読む“Latin America IP SME Helpdesk 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.6”

カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol. 2


1.CETA – Protecting your intellectual property rights in Canada, 53:53 対カナダ欧州連合代表団

CETA - Protecting your intellectual property rights in Canada

続きを読む“カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol. 2”

カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol.1

対カナダ欧州連合代表団 動画

1.État des lieux des indications géographiques: regards d’experts, 1:10:18 対カナダ欧州連合代表団 動画

État des lieux des indications géographiques: regards d’experts

続きを読む“カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol.1”

1 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 440