商標登録insideNew: Seventh Circuit Sides with Plaintiffs in Parmesan Cheese Claims | National Law Review

The Seventh Circuit recently reversed a district court’s dismissal of a class action false advertising complaint, holding that an ingredient list’s disclosure of components other than parmesan cheese did not foreclose the possibility of reasonable consumers being deceived by a “100% Grated Parmesan Cheese” front label claim.

情報源: Seventh Circuit Sides with Plaintiffs in Parmesan Cheese Claims

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商標登録insideNews: Major Changes To Trademark And Copyright Law Included In Massive Stimulus Package | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra

Signed into law on December 28, the voluminous Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 makes major changes to American intellectual property laws via its inclusion of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TM Act); the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2020 (CASE Act); and an amendment to Title 18 of the United States Code that adds Section 2319C titled “Illicit digital transmission services.”

情報源: Major Changes To Trademark And Copyright Law Included In Massive Stimulus Package | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra

H. R. 2426(pdf)

Summary of H.R.2426 CASE ACT
Passed House (10/22/2019)
Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019 or the CASE Act of 2019

This bill creates the Copyright Claims Board, a body within the U.S. Copyright Office, to decide copyright disputes. Damages awarded by the board are capped at $30,000.

Participation in board proceedings is voluntary with an opt-out procedure for defendants, and parties may choose instead to have a dispute heard in court. If the parties agree to have their dispute heard by the board, they shall forego the right to be heard before a court and the right to a jury trial. Board proceedings shall have no effect on class actions.

The board shall be authorized to hear copyright infringement claims, actions for a declaration of noninfringement, claims that a party knowingly sent false takedown notices, and related counterclaims.

The bill provides for various procedures, including with respect to requests for information from the other party and requests for the board to reconsider a decision.

The board may issue monetary awards based on actual or statutory damages.

The parties shall bear their own attorneys' fees and costs except where there is bad faith misconduct.

A board's final determination precludes relitigating the claims in court or at the board. Parties may challenge a board decision in federal district court only if (1) the decision was a result of fraud, corruption, or other misconduct; (2) the board exceeded its authority or failed to render a final determination; or (3) in a default ruling or failure to prosecute, the default or failure was excusable.

商標登録insideNews: Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 | Lathrop GPM – JDSupra


商標登録insideNews: Toyota ‘Grand Highlander’ Trademark Might Mean Big Things … Literally | motortrend.com

The Toyota Highlander SUV might just gain a larger, long-wheelbase stablemate. According to Merriam-Webster, the word “grand” is defined as “having more importance than others” or as “large and striking in size.” Toyota’s trademark filing for “Grand Highlander” signals the possible arrival of a new Toyota Highlander variant that fits both definitions.

情報源: Toyota ‘Grand Highlander’ Trademark Might Mean Big Things … Literally

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商標登録&紛争 最高裁(昭和33年 (オ) 1104号)橘正宗事件

最高裁(昭和33年 (オ) 1104号)橘正宗事件 [判決日]昭和36年6月27日判決 争点 取引上相互に紛れることのない商品同士であっても、同一または類似の商標をこれらの商品に使用する場合に同一営業主の製造または販売と …

商標登録insideNews: Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 | Lathrop GPM – JDSupra

Congress has just passed the bi-partisan Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA), which amends the Trademark Act to provide new procedures for third-party submission of evidence relating to trademark applications, to establish ex parte proceedings for reexamination and expungement of outstanding trademark registrations, and to provide for a rebuttable presumption of irreparable harm in trademark infringement proceedings.

情報源: Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 | Lathrop GPM – JDSupra

On December 22, 2020, Congress passed the content of a pending bill, H.R. 6196, the “Trademark Modernization Act of 2020,” as part of its year-end virus relief and spending package. Among other things, the Act seeks to create more efficient processes to challenge registrations that are not being used in commerce, including by establishing new ex parte proceedings. The Act also seeks to unify the standard for irreparable harm with respect to injunctions in trademark cases, in light of inconsistencies that have emerged across federal courts after the Supreme Court’s decision in eBay v. MercExchange, LLC, 547 U.S. 388 (2006).

情報源: Gibson Dunn

H.R.6196 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)

On December 27, 2020, the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (“TMA”) became law after it passed Congress and was signed by the President as part of the year-end Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2021.1 The TMA, which will become effective one year after its signature into law, introduces significant amendments to the Lanham Act2 designed to modernize trademark examination procedures and combat the increasing numbers of trademark registrations covering marks not used in commerce.

情報源: Trademark Modernization Act Becomes Law: Establishes New Procedures to Remove Deadwood Registrations, Restores Presumption of Irreparable Harm, and Protects the Independence of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP – JDSupra

Summary of H.R.6196
This bill makes several changes to trademark law, such as by providing new mechanisms for opposing and canceling trademark registrations at the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) and by making it easier to secure an injunction.

The bill authorizes a third party to submit evidence to the PTO to oppose an application for a federal trademark registration.

The bill establishes a procedure for any party to petition the PTO to expunge a registration for a trademark that has not been used in commerce. The bill also establishes a procedure for any party to petition the PTO to reexamine any trademark registration on such nonuse grounds.

The PTO may also initiate such an expungement or reexamination proceeding.

If a plaintiff has prevailed in court in asserting certain trademark rights, that plaintiff shall be entitled to a presumption that the plaintiff will suffer irreparable harm for purposes of determining whether the plaintiff is entitled to a permanent injunction. If a trademark plaintiff is seeking a preliminary injunction, that plaintiff is entitled to this presumption upon a court finding that the plaintiff is likely to succeed on the merits of the case. Under current law, a plaintiff must establish irreparable harm to secure an injunction.

In addition, the PTO Director shall have the authority to reconsider, modify, or set aside certain decisions made by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

The Government Accountability Office shall report to Congress on PTO efforts to address false and inaccurate claims in trademark registrations and applications.


商標登録insideNews: 特許出願等統計速報 令和2年10月分(令和2年12月22日作成)| 特許庁


四法 R2.1-R2.10 出願数
特許・実用新案(合計) 244,976(▲5.6%)
意匠 26,365(1.3%)
商標 151,361 (▲3.9%)

商標登録insideNews: 白老牛そっくりマーク出願 中国企業、「悪意」憤る町 | 共同通信

白老牛 類似商標 中国で異議申立


情報源: 白老牛そっくりマーク出願 中国企業、「悪意」憤る町 | 共同通信


登録日:平成19(2007)年 4月 27日
第29類 牛肉,牛肉製品
第30類 牛肉を使用したサンドイッチ,牛肉まんじゅう,牛肉ハンバーガー,牛肉べんとう,牛肉を使用したホットドッグ

白老牛 類似商標 商標登録第5043387号


第29類 肉; 牛肉; 家禽(非活); 肉汤浓缩汁; 奶粉; 食用油脂; 牛奶; 鱼(非活); 鱼翅; 蛋
第31類 活动物; 活鱼; 植物; 自然花; 坚果(水果); 谷(谷类); 新鲜蔬菜; 动物食品; 植物种子; 酿酒麦芽;



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商標登録insideNews: 宮城の「河北せり」、GI産品に登録 青森のトウガラシ「清水森ナンバ」も | 河北新報オンラインニュース 


情報源: 宮城の「河北せり」、GI産品に登録 青森のトウガラシ「清水森ナンバ」も | 河北新報オンラインニュース / ONLINE NEWS

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 宮城の「河北せり」、GI産品に登録 青森のトウガラシ「清水森ナンバ」も | 河北新報オンラインニュース “


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