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続きを読む“欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.4”
SME Assembly 2020 – Intellectual Property Rights for SMEs, 58:18
The SME Assembly is the most significant event for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe. The conference takes place once a year during the European SME week.
Notice of 7 September 2021 – concerning the Second Act to Simplify and Modernise Patent Law (Zweites Gesetz zur Vereinfachung und Modernisierung des Patentrechts) of 10 August 2021 and the Act on Further Duties of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office and to Revise the Patent Costs Act (Gesetz über weitere Aufgaben des Deutschen Patent- und Markenamts und zur Änderung des Patentkostengesetzes) of 30 August 2021 – Contents of the notice
情報源: DPMA | Notice of 7 September 2021
ドイツ特許商標庁(DPMA)、特許法等公布に併せ今後の業務の変更点などを公表 – JETRO デュッセルドルフ事務所
Absolute deadline for filing corresponding UK Applications expires on 30 September 2021 If you are the owner of an EU Trade Mark Application or Registration that was pending on 1 January 2021, and if the UK is a territory of interest to you, then please sit up and take note. The deadline to take action and to file corresponding UK Applications will expire on 30 September 2021. This deadline is absolute. If you don’t take action, your EU Mark will no longer have effect in the UK.
情報源: Deadline for Filing EU Trademark Filings in UK Approaches
As of 13 August 2021, the Namibian Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) will be included in TMclass. BIPA will join with the alphabetical list of the Nice classification.The inclusion of BIPA in TMclass brings the total number of participating national and regional IP offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and the EUIPO, to 86.
ICYMI, a new Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) was released by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) last month. The July 2021 revision replaces and supersedes the October 2018 version, and it incorporates final rules, examination guides, and Supreme Court decisions that have issued since then.
情報源: New USPTO Trademark Manual | Fox Rothschild LLP – JDSupra
Change Summary (INDEX TO CHANGES IN TMEP July 2021)
At present, the Fiji Trademarks Act was implemented in 1933 and was based on the UK Trademarks Act of 1905. It has broadly remained unchanged ever since. The biggest issue for modern practitioners is Fiji not being a member of the Nice Agreement, meaning it does not use the International Classification of Goods and Services. Instead, it uses a version of the 1938 British Classification system – a system that is particularly dated in 2021 (it has only 50 different goods classes and 10 subclasses, no service classes, and some archaic categorisations, such as Fijian class 22 being for ‘carriages’ and Fijian class 8 being for ‘philosophical instruments’).That is now set to change. At the end of August 2021, the new Fijian Trademarks Act 2021 was gazetted, with a commencement date set to be announced soon. It is understood the new law is similar to the New Zealand Trademarks Act 2002 (which itself is similar to the Singapore Trademarks Act 1998 and the United Kingdom Trademarks Act 1994), although differences are expected when the full act is published in due course.