商標登録insideNews: 八丁味噌GI問題で岡崎市の老舗2社の請求棄却「行政訴訟も視野に検討」 | CBCテレビ動画ニュースサイト


情報源: 八丁味噌GI問題で岡崎市の老舗2社の請求棄却 「行政訴訟も視野に検討」 | CBCテレビ動画ニュースサイト【CBC NEWS(CBCニュース)】

国が定める地域ブランドの制度をめぐり 八丁味噌の老舗2社の請求 国が棄却, 0:48

国が定める地域ブランドの制度をめぐり 八丁味噌の老舗2社の請求 国が棄却

商標登録insideNews: 海外版サイトを開設 奄美黒糖焼酎の販路開拓で ジェトロと酒造組合 | 南海日日新聞


情報源: 海外版サイトを開設 奄美黒糖焼酎の販路開拓で ジェトロと酒造組合 | 南海日日新聞

AMAMI KOKUTO SHOCHU (Amami Oshima Distilleries Association) 海外版サイト

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国税庁 商標_動画 (embedded/playlist) vol.7

伝統的酒造り 動画

「伝統的酒造り」動画-ユネスコ登録を目指して-伝統的酒造り 動画

国税庁 商標_動画 (embedded/playlist) vol.17

Japan’s traditional sake brewing technique is a unique one that uses koji mold nurtured in the blessed climate. is registered with In addition, in March 2022, it was proposed as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.


商標登録insideNews: Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act Receives First Geographical Indication: Kampot Pepper from Cambodia | WIPO

Cambodia has recorded Kampot Pepper as the first geographical indication (GI) registered via the Geneva Act of WIPO’s Lisbon System, which provides protection for names identifying the geographic origin of products such as coffee, tea, cheese, wine, pottery, and cloth.

情報源: Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act Receives First Geographical Indication: Kampot Pepper from Cambodia

リスボン協定のジュネーブ改正法(Lisbon Agreement’s Geneva Act)は令和3年3月時点で日本未加入です。

black pepper
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米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.19

1.Roundtable on the implementation of the Trademark Modernization Act, 1:26:08

Roundtable on the implementation of the Trademark Modernization Act

米国 商標近代化法(Trademark Modernization Act of 2020)

To implement the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA), we’re proposing changes to the Trademark rules of practice. The proposed changes, when implemented, will give U.S. businesses new tools to clear away unused registered trademarks from the federal trademark register and will give the USPTO the ability to move applications through the system more efficiently. 

情報源: USPTO proposes new rules to implement the Trademark Modernization Act | USPTO

The TMA has created three new tools to address this goal. Specifically, the TMA (i) provides for a broader and easier Letter of Protest system; (ii) creates a streamlined expungement procedure; and (iii) establishes new grounds for the re-examination of a registration.

情報源: U.S. Trademark Modernisation: What It Means for Foreign Brand Owners | Articles | Finnegan | Leading Intellectual Property Law Firm


商標登録insideNews: EUIPO and Eurojust step up cooperation to tackle IP crime | EUIPO

EUIPO and Eurojust step up cooperation to tackle IP crime The EUIPO and the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) are stepping up their cooperation to more effectively tackle criminal abuse of intellectual property rights in the field of counterfeiting and online piracy. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) was signed to boost Eurojust’s capacity and expand its expertise to support complex investigations in this field.

情報源: News

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