On August 4, 2021, the U.S. Department of Commerce filed applications to register several USPTO trademarks. The applications are part of ongoing efforts by the USPTO to combat frauds committed against trademark owners and applicants.
Registration No. : 4015182120000
Application Date : 2019. 01. 30 Application Number : 40-2019-0016379
Appl. Publ (Date) : 2019. 06. 19 Publication Number : 40-2019-0066947
Date of Decision to Grant Registration (Trial Decision) : 2019. 09. 02 Number of Classification of Goods : 1
Designated Goods or Designated Service Business
Class No.31 : 묘목, 나무, 살아있는 나무, 신선한 과실
(Expected)Date of Expiration : 2029. 09. 05
(Right Holder) 유동우(YOO, Dong-Woo) 전라남도 장성군… (ユドンオ 全羅南道長城郡…)
[Request for Trial] Request for Trial ([심판청구]심판청구서) 2021.05.07
Date of Request for Trial : 2021. 05. 07 Trial Number : 2021 당 1354
Indication of Case : 상표등록 제1518212호 무효
Purport of Claim : “상표등록 제40-1518212호는 그 등록을 무효로 한다. ” 라는 심결을 구합니다.
Plaintiff : 국제원예종묘농업회사법인주식회사 (国際園芸種苗農業会社法人株式会社)
高級ブドウ「ルビーロマン」1房150万円, 1:42
Why Japanese Ruby Roman Grapes Are So Expensive | So Expensive, 8:01
Why Japanese Ruby Roman Grapes Are So Expensive | So Expensive
The Ministry of Justice is a Japanese government agency that is responsible for affairs related to the judicial system and laws. The main roles of the Ministry of Justice include enacting laws and ordinances, operating the judicial system, administering criminal justice, and managing immigration.
It turned out that the University of Osaka had applied for trademark registration with the Japan Patent Office for the English notation “The University of Osaka”.
(Reuters) – China’s Olympic Committee (COC) said it will protect its athletes from the unlawful registration of their names as trademarks, Xinhua news agency reported.Several Chinese gold medallists from the Tokyo Games, including shooter Yang Qian, table tennis player Chen Meng and 14-year-old diver Quan Hongchan, saw their names illegally registered as trademarks in the alcohol, sportswear and tutoring industries, the report said.
Businesses at home and abroad are becoming more and more aware of the value and benefits of a U.S. trademark registration. Unfortunately, along with the historic surge of new trademark filings over the past year (see our blog on the surge), the USPTO has also seen an increase in suspicious submissions ranging from inaccurate to fraudulent.
The names of the twin pandas at Ueno Zoological Park in Tokyo have been decided as “Xiao Xiao” and “Reirei”, and they will be open to the public in January 2022.