商標登録insideNews: EAEU Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods enters into force | IP-Coster

April 26, 2021 saw the Eurasian Economic Union’s (EAEU) Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods enter into force. Initially concluded by the EAEU on February 3, 2020, the enactment of the Treaty was coincidentally aligned with World Intellectual Property Day 2021, suitably marking the momentous occasion. Whilst the Treaty has entered into force, the date of acceptance of applications is yet to be confirmed

情報源: EAEU Treaty on Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods enters into force

Ratification of EAEU Trademark Treaty Completed

情報源: Ratification of EAEU Trademark Treaty Completed

ユーラシア経済連合のすべての加盟国はアルメニア🇦🇲、ベラルーシ🇧🇾、カザフスタン🇰🇿、キルギス🇰🇬、ロシア🇷🇺の5カ国です。今回の商標、サービスマーク、原産地呼称に関する条約の施行により、商標、サービスマーク、または原産地呼称の 1 つの出願を加盟国の知的財産庁に提出し、その商標の法的保護を受けることができます。出願によって1つの優先日が設定され、5か国すべてをカバーします。


商標登録insideNews: 新たに2産品を地理的表示(GI)として登録 | 農林水産省


情報源: 新たに2産品を地理的表示(GI)として登録:農林水産省


情報源: 「わかやま布引だいこん」と「大口れんこん」がGI取得 農水省|ニュース|農政|JAcom 農業協同組合新聞


商標登録insideNews: Paraguay joins two WIPO classification treaties | WIPO

The treaties establish international classifications of goods and services for the registration of trademarks (Nice Agreement) and industrial designs (Locarno Agreement) – helping brand owners and designers in their efforts to obtain protection for their own work.

Ambassador Julio César Peralta Rodas, Deputy Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, deposited the instrument of accession with WIPO Director General Daren Tang on May 31, 2021

Paraguay Joins WIPO Classification Treaties, 2:03

Paraguay Joins WIPO Classification Treaties

商標登録insideNews: New Procedures and Rules for the Trademark Modernization Act | natlawreview.com

The Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (“TMA”) was signed into law at the end of last year, and we recently provided an overview of three key provisions practitioners and trademark o

情報源: New Procedures and Rules for the Trademark Modernization Act

us cafe

2021年末に施行が予定されている商標近代化法(TMA)について概要が少し明らかになってきています。今回の法改正で導入される抹消(expungement)手続と再審査(reexamination)手続ですが、まず抹消手続は1,44,66条の基礎の出願が登録された場合を対象としていて、その登録後3年から10年の間であればいつでも請求可能です。再審査手続は主張された最初の使用日以降使用していない1条の基礎の出願を対象とし、登録後 最初の5年間であればいつでも請求できます。手数料はクラスごとに600ドルとなっています。ガイダンスによれば、これらの手続に際しては合理的な調査を含むものとされており、その情報源としては登録者および第三者の Websiteや出版物、登録者の市場での活動、政府の提出書類や訴訟などがあります。手続では、請願が受理された後、拒絶理由の形式で商標権者に通知され、商標権者には応答に2ヶ月の期間が与えられます。商標権者の応答が不十分な場合、最終の拒絶理由が通知され、商標権者が請願を受けた商品または役務に関連して適切な使用を最終的に実証できない場合、登録全体のキャンセルを含め、請願を受けた商品または役務は登録から削除されます。



欧州植物品種庁 (CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office) 商標_動画(embedded)vol.4

1.CPVO coop Webinar: IPR in the Agri food Sector: a Guide to Geographical Indications, Trademarks, 1:11:33

Webinar: IPR in the Agri food Sector: a Guide to Geographical Indications, Trademarks

2.Webinar: IPR in Agri food Sector II: conflicts and synergies among GIs, Trademarks, Patents & PVDs, 59:45

Webinar: IPR in Agri food Sector II: conflicts and synergies among GIs, Trademarks, Patents & PVDs

商標登録insideNews: Don’t Dilute My Coca-Cola with Your Concealed Carry | Reason.com

No registration for Mr. Conceal Carry, held Administrative Trademark Judge Christopher Larkin of the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board, joined by Judges Linda Kuczma and Thomas Shaw (Coca-Cola Co. v. Hoff); his proposed mark was forbidden by the federal trademark law banning commercial “dilution by blurring” of famous marks:

情報源: Don’t Dilute My Coca-Cola with Your Concealed Carry – Reason.com

Ser. 87822744
Ser. 87822744
US Reg. 73348554
US Reg. 73348554

Coca-Cola Co. v. Hoff


商標登録insideNews: Is Toyota Finally Ready To Sell The Crown In The US? | CarBuzz

Through more than 65 years of production, Toyota offered the Crown as a four-door sedan, two-door coupe, wagon, and even a utility pickup, but the model was never offered in the US. This may soon change, as Toyota recently filed to protect the “Toyota Crown” name with the USPTO.

情報源: Is Toyota Finally Ready To Sell The Crown In The US? | CarBuzz

Goods and Services IC 012. G & S: automobiles and structural parts thereof
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 90724293
Filing Date May 20, 2021
Current Basis 1B


2021年5月24日にトヨタが「TOYOTA CROWN」の商標登録を、アメリカの特許商標庁にておこなっていることがわかりました。

情報源: クラウンがアメリカ進出?トヨタが米国で「TOYOTA CROWN」を商標登録 | MOBY [モビー]


商標登録insideNews: Alibaba Opposes Muhammad Ali Enterprises Trademark Registration | lawstreetmedia.com

In a 419-page filing submitted to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB), Alibaba Group Holding Limited has opposed the registration of the “ALI,” mark by Muhammad Ali Enterprises LLC (MAE). The opposition explains that MAE’s proposed mark will confuse consumers because they will mistakenly identify it with the Chinese e-commerce giant.

情報源: Alibaba Opposes Muhammad Ali Enterprises Trademark Registration – Tech

Alibaba Group Holding Limited v Muhammad Ali Enterprises LLC, Case No. 91269471

ser. 90203382

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Alibaba Opposes Muhammad Ali Enterprises Trademark Registration | lawstreetmedia.com”


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