商標登録insideNews: Unstoppable domains files trademark applications for .NFT, .Doge and others – Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News

Company that provides alt-root domain names filed trademark applications for new extensions. Unstoppable Domains, a company that sells alt-root domain names that use blockchain technology, recently filed trademark applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for future namespaces. The company filed applications for .nft, .doge, .web3, .dao, .bch, .blockchain, .go, .x, .888 and […]

情報源: Unstoppable domains files trademark applications for .NFT, .Doge and others – Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News



欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.52

欧州連合知的財産庁 動画

1.Risks and damages posed by IPR infringement in Europe, 1:51 欧州連合知的財産庁 動画

Risks and damages posed by IPR infringement in Europe

2.The EUIPO launches a six-month pilot to replace attachments with links in outgoing communications, 0:52

The EUIPO launches a six-month pilot to replace attachments with links in outgoing communications

欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.51
The European Union Intellectual Property Office, founded in 1994, is the European Union Agency responsible for the registration of the European Union trade mark and the registered Community design


商標登録insideNews: Israel flooded with trademark applications from Gulf | www.israelhayom.com

Israel TM filing number increased by gulf states

In months since the announcement of the normalization deal between Israel and the UAE, more than 100 requests have been submitted from Gulf nation, a surge of 400%. The newly announced peace deals in the region between Israel and four Arab countries has led to an influx of trademark applications from companies in the region. Follow Israel Hayom on Facebook and TwitterThe deals, commonly known as the Abraham Accords, were brokered by former US President Donal

情報源: Israel flooded with trademark applications from Gulf – www.israelhayom.com

dubai Israel TM filing number increased by gulf states
Dubai, UAE

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連126機関) 地域ブロック別


ロシア連邦知的財産特許商標庁(Rospatent) vol.7 商標_動画(embedded)

1.Географическое указание инструмент развития региона, 1:53:16

Географическое указание инструмент развития региона

2.Товарный знак-интеллектуальная собственность для бизнеса, 2:22:50

Товарный знак-интеллектуальная собственность для бизнеса

3.Глава Роспатента Григорий Ивлиев – о росте числа изобретений и уловках известных брендов, 5:00
Rospatent Grigory Ivlievの責任者 – 有名ブランドの発明とトリックの数の増加について

Глава Роспатента Григорий Ивлиев - о росте числа изобретений и уловках известных брендов

商標登録insidenews: 大玉サクランボ「日の出のように輝いて」「やまがた紅王」ロゴマーク完成|山形新聞

やまがた紅王 ロゴ発表


情報源: 大玉サクランボ「日の出のように輝いて」「やまがた紅王」ロゴマーク完成|山形新聞


情報源: 国内最大級のさくらんぼ 「やまがた紅王」のロゴマーク発表|NHK 山形県のニュース

登録日:令和4(2022)年 3月 3日
出願日:令和3(2021)年 5月 27日

やまがた紅王 ロゴ発表

商標登録insideNews: サクランボの新品種「やまがた紅王」に 山形県が命名: 日本経済新聞

The prefecture announced on the 2nd that the logo mark of the new variety “Yamagata Benio” of Otama cherry, which will be pre-sold in 2022, has been completed.


商標登録insideNews: 「橋本環奈文具」「キムタク眼鏡」 中国企業が販売するヤバい商品(FRIDAY) | Yahoo!ニュース


情報源: 「橋本環奈文具」「キムタク眼鏡」…中国企業が販売するヤバい商品(FRIDAY) – Yahoo!ニュース


商標登録insideNews: Restaurant Industry Insight–The Evolving Trademark Portfolios of Restaurants | Lexology

As restaurants have changed or grown their goods and services since early 2020, their trademark portfolios have also expanded into new trademark registration classes.When inside dining closed across the United States, the existing trend towards food delivery accelerated. While an already high 58% of adults said that they ordered takeout or delivery for dinner during the last week of February 2020, a remarkable 66% of adults said that they ordered takeout or delivery for dinner in a given week in November 2020, with takeout or delivery lunch up from 37% to 47%.

情報源: Restaurant Industry Insight–The Evolving Trademark Portfolios of Restaurants – Lexology



商標登録insideNews:白老町の異議申し立て棄却 中国企業の「白老牛」商標登録 無効審判請求も断念 | 苫小牧民報/ Yahoo!ニュース


情報源: 白老町の異議申し立て棄却 中国企業の「白老牛」商標登録 無効審判請求も断念(苫小牧民報) – Yahoo!ニュース

商標登録insideNews: 白老牛そっくりマーク出願 中国企業、「悪意」憤る町 | 共同通信


商標登録insideNews: Tesla files for trademark to enter restaurant business | Fox Business

According to a May 27 filing, the electric vehicle manufacturer is looking to introduce restaurant services, pop-up restaurant services, self-service restaurant services and take-out restaurant services.

情報源: Tesla files for trademark to enter restaurant business | Fox Business

Word Mark TESLA
Goods and Services IC 043. G & S: Restaurant services, pop-up restaurant services, self-service restaurant services, take-out restaurant services
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 90740067
Filing Date May 27, 2021
Current Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Tesla, Inc.

tesla stylized
Word Mark TESLA
Goods and Services IC 043. G & S: Restaurant services, pop-up restaurant services, self-service restaurant services, take-out restaurant services
Serial Number 90740072
Filing Date May 27, 2021
Current Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Tesla, Inc.


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