カナダへの欧州連合代表団(Delegation of the European Union to Canada)商標_動画 vol.1

対カナダ欧州連合代表団 動画

1.État des lieux des indications géographiques: regards d’experts, 1:10:18 対カナダ欧州連合代表団 動画

État des lieux des indications géographiques: regards d’experts

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欧州植物品種庁 (CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office) 商標_動画(embedded)vol.5

1. Webinar: New ways to create plants and the challenges of their IP protection, 1:59:54

Webinar: New ways to create plants and the challenges of their IP protection

2. CPVO – Internal video 21 June 2021, 8:09

CPVO - Internal video 21 June 2021

商標登録insideNews: 地理的表示「GI佐賀」マーク募集中!|佐賀県酒造組合(PR TIMES)

GI佐賀マーク 公募


情報源: 地理的表示「GI佐賀」マーク募集中!|佐賀県酒造組合のプレスリリース

GI佐賀マーク 公募 sagasake-website



 GI / Geographical Indication / SAGA / 佐賀 の4つのワードを必ず入れる
・別添「地理的表示「佐賀」 生産基準」をご確認の上、デザインをご検討ください。


・採用作品の著作権(著作権法第 27 条および第 28 条に規定する権利を含む)はGI佐賀管理委員会に帰属されます。

2021 年 8月 6 日(金)17:00 必着

2021 年 8 月、審査委員会により審査・決定致します。

審査委員長: GI佐賀管理委員長 馬場第一郎


応募フォーム (Excel) ダウンロード



佐賀 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.41


商標登録insideNews: B-1王者「シロコロ」名称騒動は今 コロナ禍「厚木ホルモン」で活路 | 産経ニュース



情報源: B-1王者「シロコロ」名称騒動は今 コロナ禍「厚木ホルモン」で活路(1/2ページ) – 産経ニュース

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: B-1王者「シロコロ」名称騒動は今 コロナ禍「厚木ホルモン」で活路 | 産経ニュース”


商標登録insideNews: Washington Football Team trademark request refused | The Washington Post

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Friday issued an initial refusal of the Washington Football Team’s application to trademark the name, creating a hurdle for the team to keep it on a permanent basis but offering only a momentary distraction if the team plans to choose any other name following the 2021 season.The USPTO’s decision came almost one year after the initial filing made in July 2020 and cited two primary factors: the generic geographic nature of the request and previous registrations by trademark squatter Martin McCaulay.

情報源: Washington Football Team trademark request refused – The Washington Post

Ser. 90069568 (出願中) filed for former Redskins
Senior Registration No. 4733519

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商標登録insideNews: Miley Cyrus can use name as trademark in Europe | ABS-CBN News

BRUSSELS – US pop star Miley Cyrus has won the right to use her name as a trademark on a wide range of products in the European Union, after Europe’s top court on Wednesday annulled a decision by the EU patent office to limit the scope of her brand.The case dates to 2014 when the 28-year-old “Wrecking Ball” singer’s company Smiley Miley Inc. sought to trade mark MILEY CYRUS with the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) for audio and video discs, mobile phone cases, e-books, electronic board games, calendars and other goods

情報源: Miley Cyrus can use name as trademark in Europe | ABS-CBN News

Miley Cyrus – Midnight Sky (Official Video), 3:42

Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky (Official Video)

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商標登録insideNews: ”禰豆子ちゃんは俺が護る” 米国での”NEZUKO”の商標出願公告に対して集英社は異議申立を開始

鬼滅の刃を巡る争いは、米国特許商標庁 でも展開しており、商標NEZUKOのタグ付きの写真を使用証拠として出願されたSer.90246234に対して集英社は5月19日付けで異議申立(Opposition)を行っています。出 …

商標insideNews: SHOP SAFE Act Reintroduction Welcomed by Apparel and Footwear Industry | aafaglobal.org

The American Apparel & Footwear Association welcomed the reintroduction of the SHOP SAFE Act today. The bipartisan bill establishes trademark liability for online marketplace platforms when a third-party sells a counterfeit that poses a risk to consumer health or safety (and when that platform does not follow certain best practices).

情報源: SHOP SAFE Act Reintroduction Welcomed by Apparel and Footwear Industry

米国 SHOP SAFE Act 法案は議会通過前の状態ですが、商標法(ラナム法)の改正(Section 32 に追加条文)を予定しています。法案では、第三者が消費者の健康や安全にリスクをもたらす偽造品を販売した場合(およびそのプラットフォームが特定の実務手法に従わない場合)、E-Commerceプラットフォームの商標上の責任を確立します。また、E-Commerceプラットフォームのにインセンティブを与えて、正当性を確保するための売り手の審査、偽造品のリストの削除、偽造品を繰り返し販売する売り手の削除などの実務手法を確立することも目的としています。

shop safe

電子商取引プラットフォームにおける模倣品対策法案の上程 JETRO

H.R. 6058 (116th): SHOP SAFE Act of 2020 w/ machine translation by DeepL

To amend the Trademark Act of 1946 to provide for contributory liability for certain electronic commerce platforms for use of a counterfeit mark by a third party on such platforms, and for other purposes.

1.Short title
This Act may be cited as the Stopping Harmful Offers on Platforms by Screening Against Fakes in E-commerce Act of 2020 or the SHOP SAFE Act of 2020.

2.Contributory liability for electronic commerce platforms
Section 32 of the Act entitled An Act to provide for the registration and protection of trademarks used in commerce, to carry out the provisions of certain international conventions, and for other purposes, approved July 5, 1946 (commonly known as the Trademark Act of 1946) (15 U.S.C. 1114), is amended by inserting at the end the following:


(A)An electronic commerce platform shall be contributorily liable for infringement by a third-party seller participating on the platform for use in commerce of a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods that implicate health and safety, unless the following requirements are met:
(i)The third-party seller is available for service of process in the United States.
(ii)Before any alleged infringing act by the third-party seller, the platform demonstrates that the platform took each of the following reasonable steps to prevent such use on the platform:
(I)Verified through governmental identification and other reliable documentation the identity, principal place of business, and contact information of the third-party seller.
(II)Required the third-party seller to verify and attest to the authenticity of goods on or in connection with which a registered mark is used.
(III)Imposed on the third-party seller as a condition of participating on the platform contractual requirements that—
(aa)the third-party seller agrees not to use a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform; and
(bb)the third-party seller consents to the jurisdiction of United States courts with respect to claims related to the third-party seller’s participation on the platform.
(IV)Displayed conspicuously on the platform the verified principal place of business, contact information, and identity of the third-party seller, the country of origin and manufacture of the goods, and the location from which the goods will be shipped.
(V)Required each third-party seller to use images that the seller owns or has permission to use and that accurately depict the actual goods offered for sale on the platform.
(VI)Implemented at no cost to the registrant proactive technological measures for screening goods before displaying the goods to the public to prevent any third-party seller’s use of a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform.
(VII)Implemented at no cost to the registrant a program to expeditiously disable or remove from the platform a listing by any third-party seller that reasonably could be determined to have used a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods.
(VIII)Terminated use of the platform by any third-party seller that has engaged in more than three instances of use of a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform.
(IX)Implemented at no cost to the registrant technological measures for screening third-party sellers to ensure that sellers who have been terminated do not rejoin or remain on the platform under a different seller identity or alias.
(X)Provided the information verified under clause (I) of each third-party seller that used a counterfeit mark in connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or advertising of goods on the platform to relevant law enforcement and, upon request, the registrant.
(B)In this paragraph:
(i)The term counterfeit mark has the meaning given that term in section 34(d)(1)(B).
(ii)The term electronic commerce platform means any electronically accessed platform that includes publicly interactive features that allow for arranging the sale, purchase, payment, or shipping of goods, or that enables a person other than an operator of such platform to sell or offer to sell physical goods to consumers located in the United States.
(iii)The term goods that implicate health and safety means goods the use of which can lead to illness, disease, injury, serious adverse event, allergic reaction, or death if produced without compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local health and safety regulations and industry-designated testing, safety, quality, certification, manufacturing, packaging, and labeling standards.
(iv)The term third-party seller means a person other than the electronic commerce platform who uses the platform to arrange for the sale, purchase, payment, or shipping of goods.
(C)Nothing in this paragraph may be construed to limit liability for direct infringement.

税関(税関チャンネル) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.9

税関チャンネル 動画

税関チャンネル 動画

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