商標登録insideNews: USPTO rejects DNA sequencing trademark | LifeSciences IPReview

A San Diego biotechnology company has been refused a trademark registration for ‘Sequencing by Binding’ on the grounds that it is too descriptive. Omniome, which develops DNA sequencing tools, filed for the mark in 2017 but had its application refused by an examining attorney at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In a precedential decision, issued on Monday, January 6, the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) upheld the original decision, concluding that ‘Sequencing by Binding’ was descriptive of the claimed goods and services.

情報源: USPTO rejects DNA sequencing trademark

商標登録insideNews: USPTO Delays Electronic Trademark Filing Deadline – MeriTalk

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has delayed the deadline for mandatory electronic filing of trademarks from December 21 to February 15 after receiving feedback from the public, the agency announced in a Federal Register

情報源: USPTO Delays Electronic Trademark Filing Deadline – MeriTalk

Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing (Federal Register)

商標登録insideNews: Proposed USPTO Trademark Fee Adjustments Portend Big Changes for Trad | Hogan Lovells Engage

The USPTO has recently released its latest trademark fee proposal for 2020.  The proposal includes substantial increases to many existing fees, and over 20 brand new fees for actions previously available at no cost.  The primary purpose of these changes is to preserve and maintain the integrity of the Register by ensuring applicants adhere to U.S. specification and use requirements and to recoup more of the costs associated with TTAB proceedings.

情報源: Proposed USPTO Trademark Fee Adjustments Portend Big Changes for Trad – Hogan Lovells Engage

商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Delays New Digital Processing Requirement

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has postponed until Dec. 21 a requirement that nearly all trademark applications be electronically filed and managed.

情報源: Trademark Office Delays New Digital Processing Requirement

情報源: Federal Register :: Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing

10月5日からとされてた改正ルール〈Mandate Electronic Filing〉(84 FR 37081)の施行日は12月21日に変更されています。

商標登録insideNews: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO

米国特許商標庁(uspto)で米国商標登録の出願料や維持費用についての値上げが検討されています。現段階は未だ意見募集の段階ですが、来年(2020)の3月にFederal Registerでの改定案が出され、7月に Federal Registerに最終案が発表され、来年(2020)の8月には実施予定となっています。現行の電子出願TEAS RFの275USDが350USDに、TEASPlusが225USDが250USDになる予定です。petitionの申請は100USDから250USD、Request for Reconsideration $400(new), Section 8 225USd, Section 15 225USD, Section 71 225USDが予定されています。また、新規な料金として、Audit(TTAB’s pleading)の後に商品や役務を削除する場合には、1つの商品、役務あたり100USDの費用を要することが予定されています。TTABは1区分辺り200USDの値上げを検討しています。

As part of the USPTO’s continued commitment to f

情報源: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO

商標登録insideNews: TEAS login requirement | USPTO

USPTO Login Requirement

On October 26, 2019, we are changing how customers access the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) and TEASi (international). To access and file forms, you will need to log in to a USPTO.gov account with a two-step authentication.

情報源: TEAS login requirement | USPTOUSPTO Login Requirement

[コメント]米国商標出願の提出(Initial application forms)、意見書の提出(response forms)は、TEASのシステム内に準備された手順に従って画面上作成し、それをUSPTOに提出する仕組みになっています。10月26日からは、TEASのシステムに入るためには、2段階の認証に基づくログインが必要になるとの改正です。また、ログインしたセッションはセキュリティの見地から30分でタイムアウトになります。ログインに必要なアカウントは、MYUSPTOを利用してセッティングします。出願や補正書は、ログインした状態でのみ提出できますので、ログインせずに不適切な出願などをすることは防止されることになります。

TEAS login requirement

米国商標制度 vol.1
米国商標制度 vol.2

商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Drops Its Demand For Applicants To Prove Immigration Status | WGBH

Facing a backlash from its own staff, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has scrapped new guidelines that would have required foreign trademark applicants living in the U.S. to prove they had legal immigration status.

情報源: Trademark Office Drops Its Demand For Applicants To Prove Immigration Status