タグ: 欧州連合知的財産庁
商標登録insideNews: Brunei joins TMview and DesignView | EUIPO
[コメント]ブルネイ王国のブルネイ知的財産庁(BruIPO)が、2019年1月23日より欧州知的財産庁のTMviewとDesignViewにデータを提供し始めています。As of 23 January 2019 the Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) has made its trade mark and design data available to the TMview and DesignView search tools.
商標登録insideNews: EU知的財産庁、マクドナルドの「ビッグマック」商標取り消し | ロイター
ビッグマック商標 取り消し
[15日 ロイター] – 欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO)は、アイルランドを拠点とするファストフードチェーンであるスーパーマックスが求めていた米マクドナルド(MCD.N)の「ビッグマック」の商標取り消しを認める判断を下した。
商標登録insideNews: General Court confirms official character of TMview | EUIPO
By a judgment rendered on 6 December 2018 in case T-848/16, Deichmann v EUIPO – Vans (V), the General Court confirmed that extracts from TMview are acceptable evidence in inter partes proceedings before EUIPO in order to substantiate earlier trade marks registered with the participating offices, as long as they contain all relevant data.
商標登録insideNews: Mexico to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass | EUIPO
As of 12 November 2018, the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) will use the list of goods and services from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass and IMPI’s online tool ClasNiza.
情報源: Mexico to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass
商標登録insideNews: Ecuador joins TMclass | EUIPO
Ecuador joins TMclassAs of 25 September 2018, Ecuador’s National Service of Intellectual Rights (SENADI) joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.This latest addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, involved in the tool to 72.
欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.30
欧州連合知的財産庁 動画
1.24 years of the EUIPO: 1994 – 2018、0:40
欧州連合知的財産庁(EUIPO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.29
欧州連合知的財産庁 動画
1.Are smells eligible for IP protection?、1:13
商標登録insideNews: @EU_IPO Can you register a #smell®? | Twitter-EUIPO
Can you register a #smell®? The answer is yes. Professor Valeria Falce explains ▶️ pic.twitter.com/WmBQMNFTsy
— European Union Intellectual Property Office (@EU_IPO) August 27, 2018
商標登録insideNews: The Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI) joins TMclass
As of 08 August 2018, the Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI) joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification. This latest addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, involved in the tool to 71.
情報源: The Cuban Office of Industrial Property (OCPI) joins TMclass