商標登録insideNews: Lindt wins German gold bunny trademark case | www.rte.ie

The golden shade of the wrapping used by Swiss chocolate maker Lindt & Sprüngli for its bunnies has trademark protection, a top German court has ruled.The company had earlier taken a German chocolate maker, Heilemann, to court after it also started selling bunnies in gold wrapping in 2018.

情報源: Lindt wins German gold bunny trademark case

Lindt GOLD BUNNY TV Ad 2021、0:20

Lindt GOLD BUNNY TV Ad 2021

商標登録insideNews: Nike is Suing a Former Employee and His Company Over Allegedly Infringing Customized Footwear | The Fashion Law

Nike sues over customized footwear

Nike sues over customized footwear

The trademark complaint that Nike filed against Customs By Ilene, Inc., dba Drip Creationz is not the only customization-centric lawsuit that it filed this week. Also on Monday, Nike named Jeffrey Waskowiak and KickRich LLC in a similar – but unrelated – suit, accusing them of trademark infringement and dilution in connection with their alleged practice of “reselling Nike and Converse products that have been materially altered in ways that the brands have never approved or authorized,” and thereby, robbing Nike and Nike-owned Converse of their ability to “carefully manage which brands to collaborate with and thoughtfully select where, when, and how often their marks are used to guide the public perception for their iconic brands.” 

情報源: Nike is Suing a Former Employee and His Company Over Allegedly Infringing Customized Footwear | The Fashion Law

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Nike is Suing a Former Employee and His Company Over Allegedly Infringing Customized Footwear | The Fashion Law”


商標登録insideNews:「当店は選手村」法的にNG? 風刺と便乗商法、境目どこに 東京五輪(時事通信) – Yahoo!ニュース

東京五輪 風刺と便乗商法

東京五輪 風刺と便乗商法

「当店は選手村なので堂々とお酒を提供します―IOC(いつもおいシー)」。 こんな飲食店の掲示が今月、ツイッターで話題になった。通販サイトでは開催中止を求めるパロディーTシャツが売られるなど、こうした「五輪風刺」の商品や広告を目にすることがあるが、著作権や商標権の侵害には当たらないのだろうか。

情報源: 「当店は選手村」法的にNG?  風刺と便乗商法、境目どこに 東京五輪(時事通信) – Yahoo!ニュース

五輪真弓「恋人よ」/Mayumi Itsuwa「MY ONLY LOVE」、4:23 

五輪真弓「恋人よ」/Mayumi Itsuwa「MY ONLY LOVE」

商標登録insideNews: 類似ドメイン、五輪延期で急増 「Tokyo2021」、転売目的か―高額出品も:時事ドットコム
I sometimes see products and advertisements of “Olympic satire”, but I wonder if it is infringement of copyright or trademark right.


商標登録insideNews: Brut force: how Putin’s champagne label law could spark a trademark dispute with France | theconversation.com

Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an amendment to a federal law reserving the use of the Russian term for champagne – Шампанское (shampanskoye) – to sparkling wines produced in Russia.Putin’s move has caused a stir with French producers, as it will require them to use the generic term “sparkling wine” on the back of their bottles sold in Russia.“Sovietskoïé shampanskoye” is the Russian word established under Stalin rule in the 1920s that describes a cheap and low quality sparkling wine available in Russia. Its production method is different from the one used in France.

情報源: Brut force: how Putin’s champagne label law could spark a trademark dispute with France

French group fumes over new Russian champagne law, 1:31

French group fumes over new Russian champagne law

商標登録insideNews: Ford Trademarks Skyline Name In The US And We’re Not Sure Why | motor1.com

Say the word Skyline and we’ll guarantee you, a Nissan luxury sedan is the first vehicle that will come to mind.But it seems like Ford wants you to think of the Blue Oval upon hearing Skyline – at least that’s what the most recent trademark filing suggests. Brought to light by Ford Authority, Ford Motor Company has submitted a trademark application for the Skyline name to the US Patent and Trademark Office, dated July 12, 2021.

情報源: Ford Trademarks Skyline Name In The US And We’re Not Sure Why


Goods and Services IC 012.
G & S: Motor land vehicles, namely, SUVs, trucks and automobiles
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 90823372
Filing Date July 12, 2021
Current Basis 1B

【 #スカイライン 】 スカイラインの魅力にひたる休日, 1:27

【 #スカイライン 】 スカイラインの魅力にひたる休日

商標登録insideNews: 安室奈美恵さん「紺綬褒章」受章の裏で…復活!?極秘「商標登録」と「育成計画」も浮上! | 日刊大衆

「加藤官房長官の記者会見で引退以来、久々に大きな場で名前が出た安室さんですが、実は昨年8月に今までの商標に加え、新たに『namie amuro』を商標登録しているんです」

情報源: 安室奈美恵さん「紺綬褒章」受章の裏で…復活!?極秘「商標登録」と「育成計画」も浮上! | 日刊大衆


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 安室奈美恵さん「紺綬褒章」受章の裏で…復活!?極秘「商標登録」と「育成計画」も浮上! | 日刊大衆”


産業財産権関係料金の見直しに対する意見募集について | 特許庁


情報源: 産業財産権関係料金の見直しに対する意見募集について




項目 改定前金額 改定後金額
出願料 3,400円+(区分数×8,600円) 3,400円+(区分数×8,600円)
防護標章登録出願又は防護標章登録に基づく権利の存続期間更新登録出願 6,800円+(区分数×17,200円) 6,800円+(区分数×17,200円)
商標登録料 区分数×28,200円 区分数×32,900円
分納額(前期・後期支払分) 区分数×16,400円 区分数×17,200円
更新登録申請 区分数×38,800円 区分数×43,600円
分納額(前期・後期支払分) 区分数×22,600円 区分数×22,800円
防護標章登録料 区分数×28,200円 区分数×32,900円
防護標章更新登録料 区分数×33,400円 区分数×37,500円



項目 改定前金額 改定後金額
個別指定手数料(出願料相当分) 2,700円+(区分数×8,600円) 2,700円+(区分数×8,600円)
個別指定手数料(登録料相当分) 区分数×28,200円 区分数×32,900円
個別指定手数料(更新登録料相当分) 区分数×38,800円 区分数×43,600円

Amazon Seller University 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

1. Amazon Brand Registry, 16;54

Amazon Brand Registry

2.Lightning Talk: Introduction to Brand Benefits on Amazon, 7:17

Lightning Talk: Introduction to Brand Benefits on Amazon

3.Keynote: Building Your Brand in Amazon’s Stores, 25:42

Keynote: Building Your Brand in Amazon’s Stores

4.Build your Brand Through Amazon Advertising, 18:52

Build your Brand Through Amazon Advertising

続きを読む“Amazon Seller University 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”


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