商標登録insideNews: Director’s Forum: A Blog from USPTO’s Leadership | USPTO

Businesses at home and abroad are becoming more and more aware of the value and benefits of a U.S. trademark registration. Unfortunately, along with the historic surge of new trademark filings over the past year (see our blog on the surge), the USPTO has also seen an increase in suspicious submissions ranging from inaccurate to fraudulent.

情報源: Director’s Forum: A Blog from USPTO’s Leadership

米国特許商標庁/USPTO Alexandria Virgina, USA

商標登録insideNews: カタカナ9文字以内 上野動物園の双子パンダ名前を7日から募集開始 |日刊スポーツ

上野動物園 双子パンダ


情報源: カタカナ9文字以内 上野動物園の双子パンダ名前を7日から募集開始 – 社会 : 日刊スポーツ

双子の赤ちゃんパンダ、名前を募集へ 上野動物園, 0:37 上野動物園 双子パンダ

双子の赤ちゃんパンダ、名前を募集へ 上野動物園

双子パンダの一般公開スタート 上野動物園、0:59  双子パンダの名前は、「シャオシャオ」と「レイレイ」に決定しています。

双子パンダの一般公開スタート 上野動物園
The names of the twin pandas at Ueno Zoological Park in Tokyo have been decided as “Xiao Xiao” and “Reirei”, and they will be open to the public in January 2022.

商標登録insideNews: 動物園協会や個人も…「シャンシャン商標」人気|ニフティニュース


商標登録insideNews: 拒絶されない商標出願をするための出願支援ガイドを発行します! | 経済産業省


情報源: 拒絶されない商標出願をするための出願支援ガイドを発行します! (METI/経済産業省)




ドバイ税関(Dubai Customs جمارك دبي) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.1

ドバイ税関 動画

ドバイ税関 動画

1.IP Assets Registration and Accreditation | تسجيل واعتماد الأصول المعرفية للملكية الفكرية、3:04 

IP Assets Registration and Accreditation | تسجيل واعتماد الأصول المعرفية للملكية الفكرية

続きを読む“ドバイ税関(Dubai Customs جمارك دبي) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.1”


商標登録insideNews: IPOPHL adopts EU goods and services trademark classification system | BusinessWorld

THE INTELLECTUAL Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) said it is adopting the European Union’s (EU) goods and services trademark classification system to improve the business trademark application process in the Philippines.

情報源: IPOPHL adopts EU goods and services trademark classification system – BusinessWorld

情報源: IPOPHL adopts EU trademark database, ensuring certainty and ease in application | IPOPHL


Philippine, Manila

商標登録insideNews: Taiwan’s First Semi-Annual Statistical Report in 2021 for Patent and Trademark Filings | Lexology

Trademark Applications(1)The number of trademark filings from domestic applicants hit a new record high.There were 46,379 case-based trademark applications filed, and 59,814 class-based applications filed, representing an increase of 7% on last year over the same period. While filings from both domestic and foreign applicants both increased, the number of filings from domestic applicants reached a total of 35,048.(2)The class with the most domestic applications made was class 35; the class with the most foreign applications was class 9.Domestic applicants filed 6,919 applications (with a growth of 16%) in class 35 for “advertising, business management, retail and wholesale services.” Foreign applicants filed 2,115 applications in class 9 for “computer and technology products.” Among the foreign origins with the most trademark applicants for this period, China took first place.

情報源: Taiwan’s First Semi-Annual Statistical Report in 2021 for Patent and Trademark Filings – Lexology


情報源: 經濟部智慧財產局-最新消息-新聞稿-智慧局公布110年上半年智慧財產權趨勢



商標登録insideNews: Trademark on Product Design: Are these biscuit sticks functional | Patently-O

Biscuit sticks functional issue

A potentially important product design trademark case is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court involving those chocolate covered bready-sticks. Ezaki Glico Kabushiki Kaisha v. Lotte International America Corp., Docket No. 20-1817 (Supreme Court 2021). 

情報源: Trademark on Product Design: Are these biscuit sticks functional | Patently-O

pockey chocolate

Ezaki Gliko Kabushiki Kaisha v. Lotte International America Co, No. 19-3010 (3d Cir. 2021)

ポッキー「いつかさそおう、を今日さそおう。」篇 有村架純、0:30 Pocky trademark dispute on functional issue

ペペロ(韓国のポッキー) CM集 【EXO】【KARA】 KOREAN EATING COMMERCIAL, 3:23 Biscuit sticks functional issue


(added 2021.8.5) Biscuit sticks functional issue

On July 29, several IP organizations and one global snack conglomerate filed amicus briefs at the U.S. Supreme Court asking the nation’s highest court to grant a petition for writ of certiorari to take up Ezaki Glico Kabushiki Kaisha v. Lotte International America Corp.

情報源: Amici Ask SCOTUS to Correct Third Circuit’s Overly Simplistic Formulation of Trademark Functionality in Ezaki Glico

商標登録insideNews: Lindt wins German gold bunny trademark case | www.rte.ie


商標登録insideNews: マツダが「R」の商標を出願!ロータリーかレーシングか | エキサイトニュース


情報源: マツダが「R」の商標を出願!ロータリーかレーシングか…高性能モデル登場に期待 (2021年7月28日) – エキサイトニュース

出願日:令和3(2021)年 6月 3日



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