商標登録insideNews: Gruyere cheese can still be called gruyere even if not from Switzerland, judge rules | nbcnews.com

FALLS CHURCH, Va. — Gruyere cheese does not have to come from the Gruyere region of Europe to be sold under the gruyere name, a federal judge has ruled.A consortium of Swiss and French cheesemakers from the region around the town of Gruyeres, Switzerland, sued in U.S. District Court in Virginia after the federal Trademark Trials and Appeals Board denied an application for trademark protections.

情報源: Gruyere cheese can still be called gruyere even if not from Switzerland, judge rules

グリュイエールが最も人気のあるスイスチーズである理由|地域の食事, 6:45

Why Gruyère Is The Most Popular Swiss Cheese | Regional Eats

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商標登録insideNews: PepsiCo Files a Notice of Opposition Against the Registration of the Trademark PEPY | lawstreetmedia.com

PepsiCo Files Opposition Notice

PepsiCo Files Opposition Notice

On Wednesday, PepsiCo, Inc. filed a notice of opposition to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board against Jessica L. Freedman for her trademark application for the mark PEPY. According to the notice, on March 28, 2021, Freedman, an individual located in Brooklyn, New York, filed a trademark application to register the mark PEPY in connection with non-alcoholic mixes used in the preparation of alcoholic cocktails. 

情報源: PepsiCo Files a Notice of Opposition Against the Registration of the Trademark PEPY – Agriculture

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商標登録insideNews: Jamaica Joins the Madrid System | WIPO

Jamaica becomes the 110th member of the Madrid System, which now covers 126 countries. The Protocol will enter into force for Jamaica on March 27, 2022.

情報源: Jamaica Joins the Madrid System


The Trade Marks (Amendment) Act, which came into force on June 30, 2021, heralds a very new era for all trademark proprietors with interests in the Island of Jamaica.

情報源: Jamaica Arrives At ‘Destination Madrid’: What Next For Trademark Owners? – Intellectual Property – Jamaica

Jamaica Pier
Jamaica Pier

韓国知的財産情報システム(KIPRIS /키프리스) 商標_動画(embedded) vol. 5

韓国知的財産情報システム 動画

KIPRIS(키프리스) 궁금해결
01. 데이터제공범위(특허)_특허를 출원했는데, 키프리스에서 검색이 안돼요! ( データ提供範囲(特許)_特許を出願したが、KIPRISで検索できません!)
01. 데이터제공범위(디자인)_디자인을 검색했는데, 검색결과가 없어요! (データ提供範囲(デザイン)_デザインを検索しましたが、検索結果がありません!)
01. 데이터제공범위(상표)_상표명을 검색했는데, 검색결과가 없어요! (データ提供範囲(商標)_商品名を検索しましたが、検索結果がありません!)

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商標登録insideNews: 中国にあふれる偽「K-Food」、韓国企業が共同で訴訟へ=韓国ネット「パクりが伝統文化?」| エキサイトニュース




情報源: 中国にあふれる偽「K-Food」、韓国企業が共同で訴訟へ=韓国ネット「パクりが伝統文化?」 (2022年1月6日) – エキサイトニュース偽K-Food

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 中国にあふれる偽「K-Food」、韓国企業が共同で訴訟へ=韓国ネット「パクりが伝統文化?」| エキサイトニュース”

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