The main points of the revision of the “Trademark Law” are as follows: (1) Delete the current trademark law’s provision that the civil liability for counterfeit labels requires that the actor must “knowledge” to constitute an infringement, and return to the general civil liability for damages based on “intention” or “negligence”. (2) Penalties for acts such as counterfeiting trademarks or collective trademark labels will be added, and criminal penalties will be imposed on importing counterfeit trademark labels, packaging, etc.
商標登録news動画: ブロックチェーンで本物証明 高級ブランド模造品対策 (2021年4月21日)テレ東BIZ
A thorough explanation of the fierce family battles and fierce competition between brands that took place behind the scenes of the world’s luxury brands. A movie “ House of Gucci ” depicting how the fierce battle over the Gucci family who founded the luxury brand Gucci develops into a murder case has been released.
China’s government has begun rejecting trademark applications related to metaverse projects, according to numerous local media reports.Trademark applications containing yuan yuzhou – Mandarin for metaverse – have been denied registration by the National Intellectual Property Administration, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported Monday citing data from business and trademark registration tracking firm Tianyancha. Those rejected include applications by NetEase, iQiyi and Xiaohongshu.