Morodomi Furniture, a traditional local product designated by Saga Prefecture, has been registered as a trademark under the “Regional Collective Trademark System” of the Japan Patent Office.
“Cabinet Order to Set the Enforcement Date for Part of the Act for Partial Revision of the Patent Law” and “Cabinet Order to Revise Part of the Patent Law-Related Fee Ordinance” were approved by the Cabinet.
Jeep has filed trademark protection for “Jeep Xtreme Performance,” perhaps hinting at a replacement for the automaker’s previous Trackhawk performance branding.Jeep filed the trademark on June 30 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The automaker also filed the trademark “JXP” on the same day. According to The Drive, Jeep has previously used the designation JXP, albeit only for branded clothing and outdoor gear sold outside the U.S.
Brands ranging from Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Valentino to Nike and adidas have made headlines over the past year after filing applications for registration for use of their famous trademarks in the virtual world, either reflecting existing use or seemingly indicating their intent to use such marks in the metaverse or in connection with non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”). Not limited to fashion and luxury names, brands across industries (think: KFC to the City of Beverly Hills) have followed the lead set by Nike last year…
The new planned organization will monitor for unauthorized outflow of new varieties on behalf of the developer, and act as an agent for obtaining breeder rights and registering trademarks overseas.
国家知的財産局は2022年に杭州で開催される予定の第19回アジア競技大会のエンブレム「潮涌(タイド)」の特別サインの延期に関して、杭州2022年第19回アジア競技大会のエンブレム「タイド」の特別ロゴは2026年の8月29日まで延長されると発表しています。なお、杭州2022年第19回アジア競技大会は2022年05月06日に開催の延期が発表されています。The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Postponed