Serial Number 97476080-97476082
Filing Date June 26, 2022
Owner (APPLICANT) SC30, Inc.
Stephen Curry’s ICONIC “Night, Night” Celebration, 2:19
MOSCOW (AP) — People in Moscow who were disappointed when Starbucks closed its coffee shops after Russia sent troops into Ukraine may now feel a caffeine jolt of hope: A nearly identical operation is opening in the capital.
The phenomenon of “trademark squatting” or “trademark troll” indicates a situation in which someone other than the original brand owner obtains a trademark on a brand, and typicaly demands money in exchange of the ownership.
In a trademark application filed Aug. 10, formally registered Monday and first spotted by CarBuzz, Porsche has called dibs on the word “F1nally,” a not-so cryptic way of saying the brand is, at last, returning to F1. Currently, the word has not been trademarked in the United States or the U.K.; however, the domain f1nally.com was registered on March 19 of this year.
香港知識産権局(HKIPD) HKIPD has a mission to maintain the protection of intellectual property rights to the highest international standards, so that Hong Kong, China remains a place where creativity and talent can flourish. 各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連141機関) 地域ブロック別