欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.7

carIPI video

An origin-linked product can be defined as a local product which has a unique territorial identity, quality, specific modes of production and reputation linked to a geographical origin.
carIPI video

carIPI video

  1. CarIPI – 1.1.1 – Understanding terms, 2:19
  2. CarIPI – 1.1.2 – Scope of origin-linked products, 3:28
  3. CarIPI – 1.1.3 – Strategic management of origin-linked products, 6:10
  4. CarIPI – 1.1.4 – Origin-linked products and marketing strategies, 5:57
  5. CarIPI – 1.2.1 – Interest in branding origin-linked products, 3:43
  6. CarIPI – 1.2.2 – Branding tools for origin-linked products, 2:25
  7. CarIPI – 1.2.3 – Implementing origin-linked product strategies , 11:03
  8. CarIPI – 2.1.1 – Recap of the importance of IP tools for OLP business strategy, 1:31
  9. CarIPI – 2.1.2 – Integrating intellectual property tools in OLP strategies, 2:24
  10. CarIPI – 2.1.3 – IP tools – Individual trade marks, 1:13
  11. CarIPI – 2.1.4 – IP tools – Collective trade marks, 5:21
  12. CarIPI – 2.1.5 – IP tools – Certification trade marks, 4:50
  13. CarIPI – 2.1.6 – IP tools – Geographical Indications, 4:11
  14. CarIPI – 2.1.7 – IP tools – Geographical Indications and trade marks, 2:14
  15. CarIPI – 2.2.1 – Positive impact of Geographical Indications – Introduction, 2:03
  16. CarIPI – 2.2.2 – Positive impact of a Geographical Indication strategy, 9:57
  17. CarIPI – 2.2.3 – Sustainability of Geographical Indications, 13:14
  18. CarIPI – 2.3.1 – Geographical Indications protection activities, 2:29
  19. CarIPI – 2.3.2 – Elements of a Geographical Indication protection strategy, 11:19
  20. CarIPI – 3.1 – Geographical Indications specifications, 12:32
  21. CarIPI – 3.2.1 – Geographical Indication control systems – Some basics, 2:06
  22. CarIPI – 3.2.2 – Geographical Indication control schemes, 6:12
  23. CarIPI – 3.2.3 – Geographical Indication control approaches, 15:21
  24. CarIPI – 3.3.1 – Organisation of GI producer groups – Introductory elements, 1:45
  25. CarIPI – 3.3.2 – Elements of the organisation, 2:07
  26. CarIPI – 3.3.3 – Legal framework, 11:24
  27. Protecting origin-linked products using Geographical Indications – E-learning course, 1:46

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国税庁 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.16

国税庁 GI山梨 動画

国税庁 GI山梨 動画

1.「GI山梨」日本酒の魅力を”深”発見≪前編≫【東京国税局】, 13:20


2.「GI山梨」日本酒の魅力を”深”発見≪後編≫【東京国税局】, 14:43


商標登録insideNews: 清酒「山梨」地理的表示に ワインと2つの酒類は全国初 | 日本経済新聞

声優前田佳織里(25)船戸ゆり絵(27)が28日、都内にある東京国税局で、「GI山梨(清酒) プロモーションビデオ制作発表会」に出席した。「GI」とは、「Ge…

情報源: 日本酒好きの声優前田佳織里と船戸ゆり絵「人生で欠かせないもの」G1山梨PV出演 – 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ

In 2021, following wine, sake was designated as a GI (geographical indication) “Yamanashi” by the National Tax Agency. GI “Yamanashi”‘s sake is the only sake in Japan that is particular about the water used for brewing. Sake breweries in the prefecture use 6 pure water systems that come from mountains such as Mt. Fuji and the Southern Alps.

(2024.9.19 追記)
3.「GI山梨」”甲州ワインと和食のマリアージュ”【東京国税局】, 7:05 youtube


商標登録insideNews: Google Files Trademark for ‘Non-Fungible Planet’ | coindesk.com

Google Files Non-Fungible Planet

Google has filed a trademark application for “Non-Fungible Planet,” although it appears the company’s project has little to do with crypto tokens.Outlined in the March 21 filing is an educational campaign aimed at “providing information in the areas of environmental protection, conservation, energy efficiency, climate change, reducing carbon footprints, environmental issues and sustainability efforts,” according to the filing.

情報源: Google Files Trademark for ‘Non-Fungible Planet’

Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 97322796
Filing Date March 21, 2022
google Non-Fungible Planet

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Google Files Trademark for ‘Non-Fungible Planet’ | coindesk.com”


商標登録insideNews: 「ときわにんにく」が地域団体商標に登録されました|青森県庁ウェブサイト

地域団体商標 青森


情報源: 「ときわにんにく」が地域団体商標に登録されました|青森県庁ウェブサイト Aomori Prefectural Government


指定商品 31類 青森県南津軽郡藤崎町常盤地区(旧常盤村)及びその周辺地域で生産され津軽みらい農業協同組合において出荷及び販売されるにんにく

地域団体商標 青森
青森 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.2
青森にんにくブランド ときわにんにく


スペイン特許商標庁(OEPM)vol.18 商標_動画(embedded)

スペイン特許商標庁 動画

1.Nuevos tipos de marcas y otros cambios relacionados_Webinario EUIPO 2021, 20:48

Nuevos tipos de marcas y otros cambios relacionados_Webinario EUIPO 2021

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